Did I mention I like my doctor?

Jun 25, 2012 15:44

He took one look at me, frowned slightly and said, "Hmm. So tell me about the last couple of weeks - you haven't been doing so well, have you?" Which considering I was clean, wearing shoes, not twitching like a speed freak and not bleeding on the carpet was pretty perceptive, I thought.

I told him about my brain flids various. He asked if the hallucination thing happened often and how I coped with it. I said no, rarely, and since they generally involved fatal and violent things happening to me I just kept walking and tried not to hyperventilate. As you do. I'm British - we don't like to make a fuss =P

He suggested I might try Lamotrigine, which is something often prescribed for Bipolar mood disorders. I looked shifty and said, "Don't want it if it turns me into a zombie; I'd rather be crazy."

"Well," he replied, "There is always the chance you might become a zombie. Why don't you look it up, find out about it and then come back if you want to take it?"

Heehee. He said 'zombie'.

Then I told him I wanted TB. He blinked, sat back a little and said, "Right. Well, that's probably the strangest thing I've heard - this month. Oh yes," he said at my surprise, "we do get all sorts of things here."

I made a mental note to introduce him to the word 'shambly' and the term 'shamblyland' next time I went.

"I not really sure I can help you with that," he mused in the tones not of someone appalled by the very idea but more like someone who had seen some jars of TB at a school bazaar but hadn't thought to pick them up. "I don't really know what to suggest." He sounded disappointed.

At this point I couldn't help but laugh and tell him that I hadn't really expected him to. He admired my Bedlam pendant and asked it it wasn't the same as one of my badges. I explained they were both based on Bedlam's crest and that I'd made it on my silver smithing course when I wasn't working on my ouija board pendant.

He blinked and actually looked mildly perturbed. "So you'd have a ouija board around your neck?!"

"Um." Neurons fidget. "Yes?"

"Right. And on that note I think I need some tea. Off you go!"

Yep, my doctor's rather cool.


Today is National Corvid Day. Go and find your nearest corvid and do something meekle for them. Giving breadcrumbs to crows or magpies totally counts.

My feathers are in the process of becoming some shade between indigo and sapphire. More information when I know what the hell it looks like.

head case, random

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