I function just fine...

Aug 22, 2011 12:12

...when I'm in 1870s Arizona ( Read more... )

head case, insane

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Comments 16

spacedmonkey August 22 2011, 11:45:35 UTC
I though there was some kind of deal relating poking holes in your neck.


wraithwitch August 22 2011, 11:55:59 UTC
nope, just putting staples in my arm. which I haven't. so that's okay.


spacedmonkey August 22 2011, 13:08:24 UTC
Well, at least it is dressed.


wraithwitch August 22 2011, 13:20:34 UTC
I'd say the good doctor would be happy, but that's a lie.
The good doctor would likely look irritated but grudgingly admit that at least it was dressed, clean and dry and that he'd blame the lack of carbolic if the stitches got infected.


anonymous August 22 2011, 16:49:48 UTC
you can't be dead yet. we have an appointment. i intend to keep it. even if i have to follow you into the beyond...


wraithwitch August 22 2011, 17:00:31 UTC
I'm not dead yet, darlin', so that's okay.
Appointments can still be kept without insane mythical doomed journeys


(The comment has been removed)

wraithwitch August 22 2011, 20:40:55 UTC
A&E tend to give you a sort of psych evaluation if they think you need it to see if you ought to be 'detained' after they've patched you up. If you're not psychotically crazy then they scowl a lot, ask if you're on meds and sternly suggest you go see your doctor at the soonest opportunity. It's not so much that they don't care, it's just they have hordes of drunken shamblies etc to deal with.

I want to see more writing and more zombies, and more of the fun kind of drama, with costumes, and friends and nieces and nephews and parties and productivity. For heaven's sake.

*laughs despite herself*

you are a sweetheart.

I'm making another doctor's appointment for when I return from the Oast next week and I shall request a therapist/headscanner, because yes, things are getting very messy and foolish and need to be dealt with.


slavelabour August 22 2011, 19:39:19 UTC
If you're functioning perfectly well in 1870's Arizona then perhaps we should find a way to keep you there. Minus the time machine, that is. ;)


wraithwitch August 22 2011, 20:07:45 UTC
*would very much like to stay in 1870s Arizona*

since I don't have a time machine, I guess writing story and watching M7 and Tombstone it is then =)


ketchgirl August 23 2011, 10:02:40 UTC
I can help with that =)
When next week are you free for our next M7 Marathon with Captain Subtext?
Looking forward to it already.
If you stop sticking things in your neck, I may even attempt to bribe you with biscuit ;p
Be well chitten x


colonel_maxim August 22 2011, 19:49:12 UTC
Not sure what to say except that I really like your tarot cards today.


wraithwitch August 22 2011, 20:20:41 UTC
My tarot has always been pretty kick arse.
Often I fear that deck has more sense than I have...


ketchgirl August 23 2011, 10:03:14 UTC
That makes two of us =)
How's you? x


colonel_maxim August 23 2011, 16:40:29 UTC
Surviving. How are you?


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