I function just fine...

Aug 22, 2011 12:12

...when I'm in 1870s Arizona ( Read more... )

head case, insane

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spacedmonkey August 22 2011, 11:45:35 UTC
I though there was some kind of deal relating poking holes in your neck.


wraithwitch August 22 2011, 11:55:59 UTC
nope, just putting staples in my arm. which I haven't. so that's okay.


spacedmonkey August 22 2011, 13:08:24 UTC
Well, at least it is dressed.


wraithwitch August 22 2011, 13:20:34 UTC
I'd say the good doctor would be happy, but that's a lie.
The good doctor would likely look irritated but grudgingly admit that at least it was dressed, clean and dry and that he'd blame the lack of carbolic if the stitches got infected.


spacedmonkey August 22 2011, 13:22:23 UTC
Pretty much, yes.


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