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[VIDEO // HACKED] angel_junk July 26 2010, 07:14:42 UTC
[ OH HAY, guess who's here to show off his technical expert status! Doctor Bhamba was bored and hacked the rest of your feed. BECAUSE HE CAN. He has no idea what you're talking about though, so he shrugs it off... for now. ]

Well, well, well. Looks like somebody finally decided to make himself available.


[audio//hacked] worldentire July 26 2010, 17:39:41 UTC
[Oh, he knows you hacked it, And he is not. pleased. His voice is cool.]

...Didn't know you were lookin' for me. Did you need somethin'?


[VIDEO] angel_junk July 26 2010, 17:48:43 UTC
You didn't know? What happened to your drug addiction and my woman? Your idiot son said you were fine, but how am I supposed to know that if you can't be bothered to give me a call?


[audio] worldentire July 26 2010, 17:54:56 UTC
...Son? Oh. Jack.

I'm currently workin' on my end of the deal as we speak. I was unfortunately pulled t'the mirror side; I've only just got back.


[VIDEO] angel_junk July 26 2010, 17:59:50 UTC
You met your other self?


[audio] worldentire July 26 2010, 18:26:20 UTC
No; yours. Mine was over here, bleedin' on my goddamned carpet.


[VIDEO] angel_junk July 26 2010, 18:28:10 UTC
[ Bleeding means... menstruation....means.... ]

So your other IS a woman!


[audio] worldentire July 26 2010, 18:32:16 UTC
[This silence is the sound of Sinclair staring dumbfoundedly at the screen.]


[audio] worldentire July 26 2010, 18:32:27 UTC


[VIDEO] angel_junk July 26 2010, 18:42:25 UTC
Oh. [ Oh well, must've misunderstood something then. NO MATTER. Paaauuuuuse~]

That reminds me, I'm going to need a new blood sample. When I couldn't reach you I got bored and used it all up.


[audio] worldentire July 26 2010, 19:00:58 UTC
..Used it up? Doin' what?


[VIDEO] angel_junk July 26 2010, 19:11:02 UTC
Oh you know, testing for interesting diseases, cloning, mixing it with animal DNA, the usual.


[audio] worldentire July 26 2010, 19:28:07 UTC
. . .


I'll send you another one, then, but this is the last damn one.


[VIDEO] angel_junk July 26 2010, 19:48:51 UTC
[ He raises his hands. ]

It's your cure, not mine.

[ Although, by the way... ]

How are you, anyway?


[audio] worldentire July 26 2010, 20:16:34 UTC
... [He's confused by Bhamba's sudden care in his welfare. He wonders what the good scientist is really up to.] ... I'm doin' well, considerin' everythin'.


[VIDEO] angel_junk July 26 2010, 21:43:36 UTC
[ He is going to steal your organs, of course. *rolls eyes* ]

Soooooo... I heard you got killed by Cohen too.


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