Jul 26, 2010 00:32

Good t'be home.

Got all the pups back together, cleaned all the goddamned blood out've my room and got everythin' back in place. Now, t'business.

I've heard there's a "neighbourhood watch" sort've thing goin' on, and if you're interested, you should contact Ivanova. Speakin' of, miss, mind contactin' me? I've got an offer for you.

Hope everyone's in one piece.

[Private; Almost impossible to hack.]
Delta, if you could contact me sometime soon, that'd be great. I need t'know if you're Spliced with Hypnotize.

what is this i don't even, eway: ivanov, +eway, whoever invented winter blast: die, eway: rei, much better now, 145 is a fucking s rating, +audio, eway: delta, goddamnthismansion, post-event, just like home, eway: bhamba, eway: jack

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