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[VIDEO // HACKED] angel_junk July 26 2010, 07:14:42 UTC
[ OH HAY, guess who's here to show off his technical expert status! Doctor Bhamba was bored and hacked the rest of your feed. BECAUSE HE CAN. He has no idea what you're talking about though, so he shrugs it off... for now. ]

Well, well, well. Looks like somebody finally decided to make himself available.


[audio] worldentire July 27 2010, 04:28:12 UTC

My mirror was killed by Lamb's mirror and Cohen's mirror, yeah, but beyond that, no, I've only died once here.


[VIDEO] angel_junk July 27 2010, 05:19:32 UTC
[ Lamb... Lamb... that was... uhm... ]

Wow. You really must have been a terrible husband back then.


[audio] worldentire July 27 2010, 05:30:00 UTC
... We were exes.

[Annoyed.] I've got you someone who's willin' t'talk t'you. Susan Ivanova. She's on the same floor's you. You might want t'make sure you don't go bein' brash in front of her.


[VIDEO] angel_junk July 27 2010, 05:37:01 UTC
[ He nods. ] EX-actly.

[ More importantly... ]

Now, apparently I did not make myself very clear. I'm not looking for willing to talk any more than you are looking for diarrhea. If you want your cure then I want somebody who is ready to boink.


[audio] worldentire July 27 2010, 05:39:59 UTC
[Ooooh, why did he ever agree to this ridiculousness. A very terse sigh.]

I phrased it as delicately as I could. Unfortunately, the only one around here willin' to screw someone the second they meet'em is male, and I was under the impression that wasn't somethin' you were particularly interested in. I'm not promisin' she'll be naked the second you walk in, but it's a good idea t'try and talk her into it.

[He has to stop himself from saying YOU'RE LUCKY I GOT ANYONE TO AGREE TO TALK TO YOU AT ALL WITH SENTENCES LIKE THAT and hanging up, because honestly he's just about hit his level of daily Bhamba tolerance.]


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