Icon Appreciation Month - Activity #1 - Official Icon Battle.

Nov 04, 2011 08:01

+ Welcome to Icon Appreciation Month Activity #1 - The Official Appreciation Month Icon Battle!
+ To participate, you must submit 6 icons to this post.
+ You do not have to be a member or even a watcher of the community to participate. This battle is open to icon makers everywhere!
+ Icons must represent the following techniques: Close Crop, Negative Space, Vibrant, Black & White, Minimal, Complex [complex can include the following or more: blending, texture use, unique composition, text use].
+ Icons must adhere to Live Journal standards: 100x100 (or less) pixels, under 40kb.
+ Icons must be submitted by December 2nd in your timezone.
+ Please try to keep your icons a secret until the big reveal. Otherwise it will ruin the fun!
+ If you have any questions or comments, feel free to ask them here!
+ Good luck, and HAVE FUN!

http://wonderous-stuff.livejournal.com/2609.html" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/1nq9e.png">
http://wonderous-stuff.livejournal.com/2609.html">JOIN THE FUN

UP NEXT: Icon Appreciation Month Awards | Monthly Schedule

iam activity: battle, +icon appreciation month

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