Oct 02, 2011 11:16

It's back!
Hosted @ wonderous_stuff.
November 4th - December 4th

The Official Icon Appreciation Month Icon Battle: Submissions open November 4th.

Why not participate in the very first Icon Appreciation Month Icon Battle. The themes are:

- Close Crop
- Negative Space
- Color
- Black & White
- Minimalistic
- Complex [can include the following or more: blending, texture use, unique composition, text use]

Icon Appreciation Month Awards: Nominations open November 4th.
In order to celebrate an amazing year in icons, icon makers & icon communities, we are hosting our very first Icon Appreciation Month Awards. The list of nomination categories can be found here! Nominations open November 4th, so why not start hunting now?

I'm In With the In Crowd - Let's break the Clique [Friending Meme]: November 6th
Befriend fellow icon makers in this amazing friending meme! We really want to get to the heart of the clique matter, and smash it to bits!

Keeping Up with the Critique [Icon Concrit Meme]: November 11th
Ask people to tell you what they really think about your icons. A critique meme that is open to all!

Tutorage for Tutors [Tutorial Appreciation Post]: November 13th
Do you have a great tutorial you want to share with others? Know of someone who writes amazing tutorials but doesn't get nearly enough love for them? This is your chance to share them with the rest of Live Journal!

Forgive Me Father For I Have Sinned [Icon Confessions Booth]: November 18th
An anonymous confessions booth where everyone is welcome to confess their deepest, darkest iconing secrets. Be it about a trend, a technique, something you loathe to admit having done, or something you wish you could do. Share your secret with the world, and see how many others are like you.

Under-the-Radar Icon Maker Appreciation: November 20th
Do you know of an amazing icon maker who constantly flies under the radar? Someone who hasn't been mentioned in every other praise post, but produces icons that constantly make you go WOW? Now is the time to share them with everyone else - give them the love they deserve!

Texture Me This, Texture Me That [Texture Appreciation Post]: November 25th
A texture sharing meme for those who love textures, create textures or use textures to the best of their ability! Share everything, from your favorite individual textures, texture packs and even texture makers!

Icon Appreciation Month Awards: 2011 Edition - Voting beings November 27th
The nominations are in, and now the voting commences for the Icon Appreciation Month Awards!

Color Me Intrigued - a Unique Screencap Collection post: December 2nd
Have a collection of screencaps (or images in general) that you absolutely adore because of their interesting crop, their amazing color, or their flawless depiction of hair? Why not share them with your fellow icon makers! Think of this as a resource for untouched inspiration, and let your imagination go wild!

The Official Icon Appreciation Month Icon Battle: RESULTS - December 3rd
Ready, set, go! The results of the Icon Appreciation Month Icon Battle are ready to be shared with the world. Now remember, SHARE THE LOVE!

Icon Appreciation Month Awards: 2011 Edition - RESULTS - December 3rd
THE RESULTS ARE IN! Sit back and relax as the Icon Appreciation Month Awards are handed out, in true icon style!

Raise the Roof Off [Icon Praise Meme]: December 4th
We started out the month with constructive criticism, but we're finishing out the month with love! Ask people to tell you (or show you) what they love about your icons. Spread the love, and hopefully, appreciate the icon!

Hosted @ .
November 4th - December 4th

1. You do not have to be a watcher of this community to participate. EVERY activity will be open to everyone, so come and go as you please!
2. PROMOTION IS LOVE. The more people who know, the more the activities become interactive. So promote away!
3. If you have any suggestions or potential improvements to the schedule, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SHARE!. There is always room for more love, especially when we're trying to put the love back into the iconing world on Live Journal! A poll will be posted at the end of the month to gather more thoughts for the next Icon Appreciation Month.

+icon appreciation month, !comm: mod post

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