
Mar 22, 2007 07:37

Not a lot going on... ok.. perhaps there is a little.

** We got a car alarm for the car. It's set to go off when there is a change in voltage (like if someone were to open the door.) You can hit and bump the car as much as you want. Hell, break a window even. It wont go off. However, should you be driving a 'penis envy' diesel truck or a 'boom-boom' car, it will go off. ~blinks~ Oh well.. hopefully the constant noise from our car will deter any wannabe car thieves. Just in case, I will be purchasing *other* things to use in addition to the alarm and the club. Call me paranoid, but since they took our last car apart piece by piece, I'm not taking any chances.

** My landlord decided that cats aren't allowed. She didn't send a notice telling anyone this. She just told me when I asked her about how much a pet deposit would be. You can have HUGE dogs, but well-behaved cats.. Forget it. So they are gone... I had to be the one to get rid of them. I am crushed. And during this time (Monday) I also told her that I would like the hole in the bathroom wall fixed. (It was made by a plumber before Thanksgiving because some people upstairs shoved a wash cloth down the drain.) The maintenance man was there and he said he would get right on it. He came over, took a look, and left saying he would do it tomorrow. (Tuesday) But he never came Tuesday... or yesterday... I'm starting to think he "forgot" again. Guess I will be visiting my landlord today as well.

** On St.Patties day I got screamed at by my MIL for being "depressed all the time". I was just watching t.v. I wasn't pouting or anything. I was also in a lot of pain from my knee acting up so I wasn't moving around a lot. But she took it upon herself to yell at me as she passed me into another room anyway. Then at dinner, in front of company that none of us really knew that well, my FIL pointed at my scars and said (loudly) to my husband "I gotta ask, are you beating that girl?" I mean WTF??? If you are wondering about that then you should pull someone aside and quietly ask. Show some fucking tact. Don't just bring attention to it at the dinner table. And like my husband would say "Yes dad, I beat my wife on a regular basis to keep her in line", anyway. Needless to say, I am not looking forward to having Easter brunch with these people. If it wasn't for Kindergoth, I would never be seen over there ever again.

** Inside, everything seems to be picking away at me. My trust in everyone has once again become non-existent. Libra or not, I can't seem to find that perfect balance of being somewhat trusting, yet still on my guard. It's all or nothing. It always has been. And if I find that I can't trust the people I'm around, eventually I withdraw from them completely. I'm so used to just moving when it seems as though everyone is betraying me.. but I can't do that now so I have to find other ways to deal. And all I can do is turn off my emotions so nothing gets to me anymore. A dangerous thing at times.. but when you can't bring yourself to trust anyone, what else is left?
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