Get This Party Started

Oct 31, 2011 13:42

Last time: Celder moved into his very own place, a manly penthouse with a gorgeous view of downtown. He reached the top of the Business career track and fell in love with a co-worker of his, the lovely Cicada Pollen by wooden_badger. Cicada moved in and the two lovebirds got engaged.

This time, Celder and Cicada get married and bring in the 3rd generation of Floosby aliens!
Featured Sims:
G1 spouse: Ois Nenemos by maranatah
G2 spouse: Cicada Pollen by wooden_badger

Featuring The Tower Apartments by: selenaq13

Celder and Cicada tied the knot right inside their beautiful penthouse overlooking downtown.

In attendance were Celder's entire family: mom Ahryl, dad Ois, brother Hemlock, and sisters Wylla and Vesper. All of whom had some serious fashion issues. Ahryl and Ois were just tickled pink that their baby boy was getting married!

Celder had a little fun with Cicada during the cake-cutting. But she was a good sport about it. It didn't surprise me one bit; that's just the way Celder is!

The beautiful bride. Cicada is just so pretty, and she makes the best faces.

Wylla and Vesper really like their new sister-in-law. They don't know her very well yet, but I'm sure they'll all become friends in no time.

Mother of the Groom and G1 founder, Ahryl Floosby, gave a very moving toast to the newlyweds. Feels like just yesterday that her little boy was still a little boy. Now he's all grown up and hopefully about to give her some grandkids!

Floosby Smustle!

The Floosby family has had a whole generation's worth of smustle practice, but poor Cicada hasn't. So she didn't really know how to do the dance. She was so cute trying to figure it out. I told you she makes the best faces!

Celder got lots of hugs from his family as the wedding party came to a close. It was a roof raiser, as any event with a Floosby in attendance is bound to be.

Cicada was actually pregnant during the wedding, but she hadn't had her first pop yet. So here she is, the day after her wedding and increasingly pregnant! Also, she's working on her creativity skill which is a G2.5 goal; luckily she came with a pretty high creativity skill already so it shouldn't take too long to max it out.

Speaking of maxing skills, Celder completed the G2 goal of maxing the charisma skill. Woot!

He also maxed out his rewards panel because I've been such a good Sim-goddess and kept him almost platinum his whole life. He's the first sim I've ever had to max out the whole thing!

Cicada got lucky and found a job in the Journalism career track (another G2.5 goal), but she can't start working yet because...

...she's so very pregnant still. Seriously, she was huge and I swore she was going to have twins.

But when the time came for her to give birth, it ended up being only one baby. That's good because Cicada still has so much work to do on the G2.5 goals!

The baby is a girl named Lailys. She most obviously has Cicada's skin color. She's also got Cicada's black hair, but she has Celder's black eyes. And she is already showing a little anger management problem here. Let's hope she grows out of that!

Celder went back to work the next day, and I was excited to see his carpool. It's been awhile since I've had a sim at the top of the Business career, so seeing this helicopter again was very nostalgic!

Being that the G2 couple is supposed to be so busy with work and skills that they don't have time for their children, I thought it only fitting that they hire a butler. I've never hired a butler before either, so that was neat. However, the butler hates Cicada. I don't know how anyone could hate Cicada!

Celder the romance sim surprised me and Cicada when he expressed his want for another baby. Lucky for him, they're going to have another one anyway. We need some options for heir/heiress!

Lailys had her first birthday and became an extremely adorable toddler! I couldn't decide if she should get Celder's green spots or Cicada's freckles, so I flipped a coin. Literally. She ended up with Celder's spots which makes her an even better mix of her parents! Also, we now know she does not have Celder's pointy ears, but she might have his cute nose.

Potty training faces! I showed Ahryl's back in G1, so I figured I ought to make it a tradition!

Celder really isn't living up to the script for this generation. He's supposed to not have enough time for his kids, but he spends a ton of time with Lailys. He taught her all of her toddler skills, including the nursery song. And since he's always in platinum he also took advantage of the smart milk.

Cicada was surprised when she found out she was pregnant again. She's a family sim, so she's actually happy about it, even though it doesn't look that way!

Cicada also doesn't live up to the script for this generation. She's very loving and attentive when it comes to her baby girl.

But it did get a little hard to raise a toddler towards the end of her pregnancy. Cicada was tired and hungry all the time, and the butler kept setting the stove on fire, which would wake her up and make her run downstairs. So things were a little hectic for awhile. But the little family had no idea just how hectic things were about to get.

Cicada went into labor late one night and gave birth to another little girl. She is pure Cicada in looks. She has her mommy's skin, black hair and pink eyes. I was very excited about the pink eyes! They named her Palia.

And then Palia got placed on the know what that means. Twins! The second baby was a boy. He has Cicada's blue skin, but he got Celder's black eyes. And he got Celder's yellow hair, which comes from the G1 spouse Ois! Woohoo for yellow hair making it to G3! They named him Dexel.

After some rearranging of their penthouse, the twins had a newly decorated corner all to themselves. There's now 5 sims living in this apartment! Luckily, selenaq13 built it to be super spacious and easily re-arranged.

With the end of her pregnancy and maternity leave, Cicada finally got to start her journalism career! And she received a promotion on her very first day. But she had to start at the bottom, unlike Celder who got to jump right to the top 3 spots on the business track. So it might take her a little longer to reach the top of her career.

The house and children were left in the capable hands of the family's butler. Well, maybe not capable. I swear this butler is more trouble than he's worth. He leaves a meal in the oven at least once a day, and the babies never get diaper changes. Who knew flies would gather around a baby wearing a dirty diaper? I've never seen that before!

  • Celder and Cicada got married
  • had babies, generation 3 was born
  • Celder maxed charisma skill
  • Cicada got job & promotion in Journalism career

Generation 2 Goals:
  • reach top of business career (completed)
  • max charisma skill (completed)
  • get married (completed)
  • woohoo (completed)
  • have at least 1 kid (completed)
  • optional: make over $50,000
  • optional: marry a co-worker (completed)

Generation 2.5 Goals:
  • reach top of journalism career
  • max creativity skill
  • get married (completed)
  • woohoo (completed)
  • have at least 1 kid (completed)
  • optional: marry a co-worker (completed)
  • optional: max enthusiasm in film & literature

polarity project, pixel trade, floosby family

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