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Comments 16

n_h_k April 16 2008, 03:06:52 UTC
I just finished Bara no nai Hanaya too! It's so awesome ;_; Loved the entire flow of the show and Takeuchi Yuko was fab. <3 So was the little girl who played Shizuku.


winterspel April 16 2008, 14:19:50 UTC
Yagi Yuki, who played Shizuku was definitely my favorite, followed closely by Shingo. It was a good cast all around, though! The writing managed to hit on the right combination of family drama + romance + intrigue. I was most fond of the father-daughter relationship in the drama, however, and it was played pitch-perfect.

I'm so glad you enjoyed it, too. :)


darkeyedwolf April 16 2008, 03:48:46 UTC

Crossing my fingers for Torchwood replacements in Martha and James Marsters. Are you in the fandom at all? sam_storyteller's Nicholas fic is exactly what I want to happen in canon. *__*

I did want to smack Donna, however, for not understanding the importance of not changing history.

This isn't the first time I've seen that opinion, but I walked away with a different impression. I understood how much it hurt the Doctor -- especially when he realized he had to directly cause this tragedy, oh my god -- but I thought he got way too caught up in the tragically responsible Time Lord thing, and Donna was right to kick him in the ass and remind him, hey, there's a family right here you can save, hop to it. (And oh, how much did it break my heart that 'til the last Donna was trying so hard to save one life, any life. Reaching for the little boy? Frantically telling everyone to go for the beach, not the mountains? I love her ( ... )


darkeyedwolf April 16 2008, 03:49:55 UTC
OH, and Eiji needs to adopt Shogo and he and Shizuku can be high school sweethearts, y/n?


winterspel April 16 2008, 15:03:29 UTC

I *heart* your icon!


winterspel April 16 2008, 15:02:11 UTC
*happy* I'm so glad you like the post, Wolfie! :)

Crossing my fingers for Torchwood replacements in Martha and James Marsters.

ME, TOO. OMG, I neglected to say how much I absolutely ADORED James Marsters in "Exit Wounds." He starts off so villainously that I was sitting there, staring at the screen and thinking, "but why? There needs to be SOME kind of gun on the wall to lead up to this sort of over-the-top villainy"...and then he revealed the truth, and I just melted. He played the angst just as beautifully as he always does, and his regret and tenderness toward Jack were perfect.

Martha and John would be perfect additions to the TW crew - John would come on to everyone, all the delicious angst, and we'd get brilliant Martha's competence. But OH, I hate the we lost Toshiko, too. *still sad*

Are you in the fandom at all? sam_storyteller's Nicholas fic is exactly what I want to happen in canon. *__*Um, ostensibly I'm in the fandom, buI never get around to reading the comms anymore, so I'm sure I've missed good stuff. Link me? And if there's ever ( ... )


xshinystars April 16 2008, 04:11:37 UTC
I'm not finished with Bara no nai Hanaya, so I'll be skipping that. XD BUT I loved loved Shikaotoko Aoniyoshi. The myths and the history and Ogawa and Fujiwara's relationship. Yeah it was good! ♥


winterspel April 16 2008, 15:15:17 UTC
Yay! I'm so glad that people took a chance on this drama - I thought it was fresh and wonderfully inventive, and once you get past the creepy deer, it was amusing and touching - and gorgeously filmed.

I always love speculative fiction, though, so for me it was a no brainer. :)

I'm so glad you enjoyed it, too!


ina April 16 2008, 09:38:29 UTC
I agree on Bara no nai no Hanaya and Shikaotoko Aoniyoshi. I liked both very much.


winterspel April 16 2008, 15:16:11 UTC
They were wonderful dramas! I hope that there will be a similar gem or gems in this season's batch.


pipichan April 16 2008, 11:05:31 UTC
I seriously need to catch up with jdramas, I mean I'm on bara no nai 2 and shikaotoko 5? OPG 3!!!
I've been indulging myself with doctor who and torchwood these past week though, gosh I dreamt about these creepy eyes after watching the fire of pompeii! and David is my new lord. XDD


winterspel April 16 2008, 15:25:25 UTC
Awww, I know how hard it is to keep up with dramas! I hope you can get caught up sometime soon. :)

The eyes on the hands were deliciously creepy! :) Indulging yourself with TW & DW sounds like a very good idea to me! :)


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