[vaguely sauntering down to akamepi?] completely obvious

Jan 30, 2008 14:12

ALjsfllsfl;sjlfs somehow, I got talked into doing the One Hour Porn Writing Festiviganza. First draft - completely unedited and read over. Also, doesn't have any porn (I KNOW. IT'S A PORN CHALLENGE *FAILS COMPLETELY*) READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. I'll probably rewrite this later. XD

Other people who did it better:
tokyostory | jackoweskla | spurious | soucieux | pearljemz | imwahyou | anamuan | mousapelli | shatteredinu | iverin | goldengutgirl | yamapea | karinberry

Yamapi was going to ignore Jin. No, really. He was. Definitely. Most definitely ignoring Jin who was currently poking at a pad of paper repeatedly, chewing on his lower lip in a manner that was not attractive on account of the stupid expression on Jin’s face (Yamapi was firmly not thinking about the ways he liked it when Jin’s face looked like that).

Kame slid further down in his seat next to Jin and poked at Jin’s bit of paper, too.

Then, Jin stuck the pencil into his mouth and Kame followed suit.

Yamapi was so very, very screwed.


It all started like this.

Yamapi was innocently, very innocently, minding his own business, wandering around the jimusho on his lunch break, seeing old friends and annoying others and generally being a nuisance and stealing other people’s food.

Somehow, by coincidence (“As if,” Ryo said derisively, and Yamapi hit him), he ended up at Kat-tun’s set as they were shooting their new pv.

“Hi!” he said brightly, and waved.

Koki knocked himself in the face with his flying microphone and Jin swore. Junno felt over when he tried to avoid Koki’s microphone and Ueda sighed.

“CUT,” said the director, hand on his brow and ready to cry. They’d been at this for hours and were so close to finish. He thought it would be impolite to glare at Yamashita, but he did anyway. Besides, now that Yamashita was there, Kat-tun would never get anything done. “Take five off.”

Yamapi blinked. “Did I interrupt?”

“Hi,” Kame said wearily, the eyeliner smudged around his tired eyes. He half-raised a hand and waved back before straightening up and letting the make up personnel apply more eyeliner around his eyes.

Yamapi briefly wondered if anyone needed that much eyeliner and then wondered why he noticed Kame’s eyeliner anyway or his hot hat. Then he wondered why this mattered and then resolved to not think about Kame in contexts that consisted of hot or anything close to it because it was weird and it was Kame.

“We’re on a break anyway,” Maru said, interrupting his increasingly hysterical thought processes.

“Pi!” Jin said, smiling happily. They did the handshake and then beamed at each other stupidly.

“Oh god,” Kame muttered, who could always foresee a disaster mostly because it always involved Yamapi and Jin being in one room at any given circumstance.

“Why do your PV look like that and ours don’t?” Yamapi said, punching Jin on the arm.

“Ow,” Jin said, rubbing his arm. Then he grinned slyly. “We’re just hotter.”

“Bullshit,” Yamapi said immediately. “You’re just a slut.”

“Hey!” Maru said, offended. “We’re not all sluts!”

“Only Jin,” Koki said and then ducked when Jin pelted the microphone at him.

“Who are you calling a slut?” Jin said and raised an eyebrow challengingly. He tilted his fedora over his eyes at a jaunty angle and smoldered. One hand casually gripped the edges of his jeans and stroked the bone at his hip, slowly, sensuously.

Yamapi wanted to kill him. Or kiss him. Or preferably fuck him right now.

Unfair, he mouthed at Jin, who only shrugged and licked his lips. He winked, and Yamapi tilted his head to a side and mouthed, What?.

Jin shook his head; indicated behind him.

Kame sighed, and apparently indicated something back.

Yamapi was desperately confused. Following Jin’s thought processes sometimes even eluded him.

“Please,” said the director, “Yamashita-kun go and have your lunch break somewhere else. Anywhere else.”

Yamapi pouted.

The director wilted.

“Just go,” Jin said impatiently. “We’ll see you later.”

“We?” Kame said.

“We,” Jin agreed, and then threw an arm around Kame’s shoulder.

Kame threw a confused look back at Yamapi, but allowed himself to be herded off.


Apparently, according to Jin, we meant Jin and Kame crashing their apartment later that day. And while Yamapi had made up with Kame, he didn’t know that so had Jin. It made things a bit awkward when they all sat around western tables and pretended to get along. On the bright side, they were both still wearing the fedoras (Yamapi was inordinately fond of those hats and wondered if Jin would notice if he borrowed it).

“So,” he said, eyeing Jin suspiciously. Jin was unusually quiet by Jin standards. “What’s up?”

“Planning for Ueda’s birthday,” Jin said immediately, and scribbled something down on his bit of paper. Yamapi leant forward to peak at the paper, but Jin slid it out of view.

“Yes,” Kame said, frowning at Jin. “That.”

“Okay?” Yamapi said, confused, wondering why on earth anyone was planning Ueda’s birthday when it was months and months away.

Then, apparently because everyone on Earth hated Yamapi, Jin started to concentrate.

When Jin concentrated, he always, always started to bite his lower lip. Sometimes, when the problem was especially hard, he stuck things in his mouth without thinking about it.

Yamapi had always said Jin had a mouth for things to be stuck into. Usually he meant certain parts of his anatomy, and usually, Jin would agree. So ordinarily, this was no problem because Yamapi could rectify the problem with a quick fuck, but Kame was there and while Yamapi had no qualms with having sex in public - he did in front of people he knew.

“Argh,” Yamapi said.

Crinkling his brow in concern (Cutely! said Yamapi’s brain helpfully), Kame looked up.

Then, apparently because everyone on Earth and their pet dogs hated Yamapi, Kame stuck something in his month too.

“I hate everything,” Yamapi said with feeling.

yamapi/jin/kame, fic, je

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