[01/01] Rockstar

Jan 29, 2008 22:16

title. Rockstar
pairing. akame (je)
rating. r
summary. uhh lips pv. kame is soo rockstar.
author's note. For that infamous One-Hour Fic/Porn Challenge which is basically the most difficult thing ever. Unfinished (stopped right as I was gettin' my groove on!) and probably will remain that way. :| Other fics here: anamuan, goldengutgirl, imwahyou, iverin, jackoweslka, mousapelli, pearljemz, shatteredinu, spurious, tokyostory, wintersjuly, yamapea
word count. 00670

"What's up, Rockstar?" Jin asks when Kame walks into the dressing room. He's lying on the couch, limbs splayed haphazardly. The others are doing some solo shoots, still. Kame fingers the fedora in his hands, hair looking like he's just rolled out of bed, clothes skintight and-


Jin pulls his fedora down over his eyes.

"What's up, Rockstar?" Kame echoes, and moves toward the couch, jumps up onto the armrest and looks down at Jin. "Sleepy Rockstar! Just-rolled-out-of-bed Rockstar!" He toes one of Jin's shoes with his own.

Jin kicks at him, and it's a domino effect. Kame tries to move out of the way and slips, flails and tries to grab for a lamp on the side table (which wobbles and almost topples over), slips and falls forward and-

Jin lets out a sharp whoosh of air when Kame's elbow connects with his stomach (and his forehead connects with his chin).

"Clumsy Rockstar," he gasps, and Kame looks up at him (eyes lined and shadowed and half-lidded and mouth-).

Jin tips the fedora farther down his forehead.

"Sorry," Kame says, reaches up and pulls it off Jin's head. "Really," he says, grins wide before shifting his body, sits back on his heels between Jin's thighs, hands pressing against Jin's stomach for support.

Jin shuts his eyes.

"Akanishi?" Kame asks. His voice is lower. "Are you feeling all right?" He presses his hand to Jin's forehead and frowns. "You feel warm."

Jin swallows hard, doesn't open his eyes. "I'm all right." He'd be all right if Kame didn't look like a rockstar.

"Yeah?" Kame asks, and Jin feels the other's hand move down the side of his face, his fingers resting against his cheek and his thumb at the corner of his mouth.

Jin inhales through his teeth, and Kame slips his thumb in the space between his lips.

"Jin," Kame says, and his voice is shaky. Jin's tongue runs over the tip of his thumb, and he leans in close. "Jin," he says, and presses their lips together, Jin's hands automatically moving to grasp the roots of his hair.

Hard, fast. Kame's tongue presses into Jin's mouth, fingers fumbling with the zipper of Jin's pants. And Jin thrusts his hips up, tilts his head back. Kame's lips are on his neck, teeth scraping against his skin.

His skin that burns, that's starting to slick with sweat under the heavy clothing (why so much clothing?).

It's cold, suddenly, and Jin opens his eyes. Kame sits back on his heels again, breathes heavy. His hair is mussed, his makeup smeared. But his tongue pokes out between his lips and his eyes are half-lidded.

"Fuck," Jin says.

Kame smirks before leaning in, before bending over, his head between Jin's thighs. Jin arches his back, cries out and thrusts his hips up. Because Kame's mouth is wet and tight on the tip of his cock, but just on the tip and-


Kame pulls back, breathes softly and sends shudders up Jin's spine. "Yeah?"

"What are you doing?" Jin asks, breathlessly, maybe frantically. He grabs Kame's hair tighter. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Being a Teasing Rockstar," Kame says, and laughs, and Akanishi sits up, fast, takes Kame by surprise and pushes him backwards so that his head is against the armrest. Kame lets out a whoosh of air.

"Yeah?" Jin asks, and his eyes are dark, and he's wearing a smirk. He rolls his hips against Kame's and Kame rolls back. Jin's lips are on Kame's lips, their teeth are clinking together, and their hands fumble at Kame's belt buckle.

"Like this?" Jin asks, and leans forward, presses forward so that their lengths touch-electric, and-

"Shit," Kame hisses, and Jin's teeth bite at his bottom lip.

"Like this?" Jin asks again, and his hand wraps around both of their lengths.

"Like that," Kame says, softly, gasps against Jin's lips. And when Jin starts to move, when Jin's hand starts to stroke them slow, at first, then faster, and-



fandom: je, rating: nc-17, drabble and/or unfinished/abandoned, pairing: akame

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