
Jan 29, 2008 19:12

So the 6th round of the 1 Hr Fic/pr0n Challenge is done! This round is based on the LIPS PV by KAT-TUN!

D: My fic idea flopped and resorted back to PIN but oh well. This sorta proves that I can't not write PIN for these things. :|

Please check out the efforts of the lovely writers who joined me! *______________*

anamuan | goldengutgirl | imwahyou | iverin | jackoweskla | karinberry | mousapelli | shatteredinu | soucieux | spurious | tokyostory | wintersjuly | yamapea

words: 942
pairing: Jin/Ueda, PIN

After KAT-TUN recorded the song for Kame's new drama, they were told the story behindthe PV, the vision of it from the director's point of view.

Jin sat there thinking, absorbing the ideas. He wondered how it would look with the sound of Lips. There was no dancing for the song; they didn't have enough time to really prepare and honestly, the direction to "look rock and roll sexy" wasn't something new.

A bottle dangled in his face. He glanced up to see Ueda's arm.

"Stop thinking so much." Ueda said as Jin took the bottle with a quick smile of thanks. "You're going to make everyone think you're smarter than you look."

"Ha ha." Jin said dryly, opening the bottle of Rose Ito En tea. "What do you think of the idea for the PV?"

"Hmmm. I like it." Ueda curled up in the seat next to Jin, watching the others goof around in the dressing room. "I think we can make it look good."

"I wonder," Jin propped a hand under his chin, eyes thoughtful and distant. "Maybe we can talk to the costume designers and give our input? Last time I didn't do that, they put me in an outfit that made me stick out like a sore thumb!"

Ueda laughed softly. "You were distinctive in that PV. That's the point."

"Yeah. That may be true but if I hear another jailbird joke again, I may have to stuff my pet down someone's throat!" The corner of Jin's lips curled up derisively.

They sat there quietly as Jin sipped the tea.

Ueda stood up and reached into his bag, pulling out a small photobook. "Hey, we can probably do something with our own looks to make it fit the PV. Something more visual kei or rock?"

Jin leaned over to take a peek at the photos in Ueda's hands. "Is that Gackt?!"


Jin opened his mouth to say something before shutting it firmly at Ueda's arched brow. "We can probably borrow a few things from his style."

Ueda opened the photobook, flipping through various pictures before settling on one. "Hmmm."

Jin peered over Ueda's shoulder, chin comfortably snug and cheeks nearly touching Ueda's. "I think Taguchi would look good in that. Isn't that the Uesugi Kenshin for last year's taiga drama?"

Ueda nodded, humming the chorus to Returner ~Yami no Shuen~. "He would look good like that. Maybe with his hair flattened more."

Laughing, Jin looked up at Taguchi who was currently helping Koki and Nakamaru make airplanes out of the paper cups and tossing them around. "It would probably be an improvement from 'Bido Granmanie'."

At that moment, their manager popped his head in to alert them they were free for the rest of evening. Jin jumped to his feet to grab his stuff. "Gotta run, Uebo! See ya tomorrow!"

Ueda nodded, eyes soft as he watched Jin hurriedly stuff his things into his bag. "Meeting up with Yamashita-kun?"

"Yup! We're going to try and work on a song. Maybe play this new game called Guitar Hero my friend in LA gave me." Jin waved a goodbye to Ueda before dashing out, punching Nakamaru lightly in the arm as he left.

Jin made it back to their apartment, his mind still churning over how to present his image to fit the song. "Taidaima." He called out, toeing off his shoes and dropping his bag by the door.

"Welcome home!" Yamapi's voice floated out from their bedroom. "In here!"

Jin walked through the bedroom doorway to find Yamapi sitting on the bed, magazines surrounding him.

Yamapi looked up, lips pulled in a quirky pout. Jin sighed and flopped next to him, pulling up a magazine to idly flip through.



"What do you think is a good trend out there. Fashion-wise, I mean." Jin asked.

"I don't know. Tired of your aviator glasses already?"

"Can't wear them for the new PV. Doesn't fit the concept." Jin rolled over to lay his head across Yamapi's lap. "Hmm. What do you think about a fedora?"

"That would be good. Are you going to try and convince the costume designers to lay off on the fur?" Yamapi looked down, running a hand through Jin's fluffy hair.

"Yeah. I think a white one. With small feathers." Jin mumbled, eyes closed and the corners of his mouth turned up as he enjoyed the head massage. "I'm sure they're going to put me in a huge long jacket anyways. Maybe I'll get them to make it more rock and roll."

"I dare you to tell the makeup artist to put a lot of eyeliner on Kame whenever you shoot the PV." Yamapi said, watching Jin with a slightly calculating look on his face.

"You're on. What are the stakes?"

"You'll pay for dinner at that new, expensive yakiniku restaurant and wear that nurse's outfit from that Shounen Club skit."

Jin frowned. "Deal. And you'll admit on tv that I'm the best man you know. And my magazine shoots are sexier than Ryo-chan's. In front of Ryo-chan."

"Yay! I'm gonna eat yummy yakiniku soon!"

Jin laughed delightedly. "You're going to lose! Ryo-chan's going to kick your ass when you say that in front of him."

Yamapi scoffed. "No way. I'll totally win. For sure!"

Jin smirked. "Not when Kame's already planning to wear eyeliner for this PV. He's already told Ueda who texted me while I was on the way home."

Yamapi's jaw dropped. "Why....you....CHEATER!"

Jin grinned, pushing himself up on his elbows. Yamapi pouted before leaning in to attack Jin, crying out "SUPER SECRET TICKLE ATTACK" at the top of his lungs.

monthly challenge, fic, i challenge you!

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