Title: The Hearts Beneath
Author: DameRuth (
Challenge: Summer Holidays 2
Prompt Group: 8 - muffle - scuttle - forest - gloom
Rating: PG for mild language.
Pairing: Ten/Jack
"Flowers"Word count: In the ballpark of 5,500.
Spoilers/Warnings: None, but part of an AU series (should stand alone).
Summary: Ten and Jack wake something sleeping
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Comments 15
Other than that, WOW. That is intense, and you are seriously awesome at atmospheric writing -- I could feel the unnatural quiet of the forest, the dim, damp coolness. And then the tension of the emotions and plot echoed the growing storm perfectly, and the little flashback/infodump about the Time War was chilling and exactly right. I like how they don't just get over it, either; they're still shaken up at the end, but you give the understanding that they will work through this, because they know each other and care about each other, and are damned well going to put in the work to keep their relationship going.
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