Title: "Hearts" and "Breaking" Characters: Ninth Doctor, Jack, Rose Rating: Teen Summary: Sexual tension on the TARDIS. A series of drabbles. Follows Candy, Sweet, Bitter, and Crystallize. Notes: Okay, so I'm nervous about the semi-colon. :D
The book I am reading this week is "This Scepter'd Isle", by Mercedes Lackey and Roberta Gellis. And it's not terrible. It's elves and mortal politics in the time of Henry VIII! That lends it some cool points. It has crossover potential -- I keep imagining the Doctor or some of the folks from the Star Trek universe stumbling across the Bazaar
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Robin McKinley, you have betrayed me. It's great that you wanted to write a sequel, okay? But that doesn't mean you're not supposed to finish the first book! >:|
It's killing me... So many incredibly tempting stories posted in the last few days, and I'm visiting family and playing with small children and baking cookies and stuff, and don't have time to read them!
Discipline is good. And I hardly ever get to see my family. But I'm going to really look forward to the few days after Christmas, *g*.
Every time I get the urge to move, I rearrange my furniture instead. I wonder how much I've saved over the years, in U-haul fees? On the other hand, the neighbors tend to glare at me for all the thuds and curses overhead in the wee hours of the morning.
Title: Sunday Morning Characters: Jack, Rose, Nine Rating: G Notes: Just a spur of the moment thing. Counts as a drabble if you'll forgive a little minor cheating with hyphenated words. :)