Fic. Subtext

Oct 04, 2010 23:10

Title: Subtext
Author: alicebluegown16
Rating: R
Summary: Will and Finn hanging out and watching movies. And then deciding it'd be more fun not to watch a movie.
Pairing/Characters: Will/Finn, various Finn/male celebrity crushes
AN: Sequel to Tell the Truth Now. Part of my series that includes Closer , Hollywood Ending, All in My Head and My Mind is SetRead more... )

contributor: alicebluegown16, fanwork: fanfic, rating: r

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Comments 24

madmenfanatic October 5 2010, 05:06:28 UTC
Terrific chapter! As always, I love that your Finn is not an idiot - he just doesn't know a lot of stuff yet. And he is a sponge for anything Will has to say ( ... )


alicebluegown16 October 7 2010, 19:46:31 UTC
Thanks for your comment and so happy you enjoyed the absolutely glacially paced courtship for our boys.

Finn telling Will he deserves to be loved and that what they feel for each other isn't wrong was like, the ultimate favorite part for me to right because god damn does Will need to hear that every single day.


hopenight October 5 2010, 05:22:26 UTC
Oh my GOD!

It's like your Will, your Finn, and I are all movie soul mates. With the exception of the Spanish movie because I took French in high school, I loved every single thing on that list.

God. I think I love you. Seriously if these are some of your favorites then I may just love you.

I love how it was just them hanging out, kind of building this repressed sexual tension until it snaps beautifully. And I loved how Will was mortified and how Finn loves Ringo but Will loves George. (Two of my favorite Beatles) And I love how it's mainly all these classics that I grew up watching with my mom on rainy Sundays or when I was sick.

And this was just perfect and amazing. Seriously I bow to you because you're just so talented and this was so perfect. And I may have to dig out my copy of Some Like It Hot so I can curl up on my couch and feel like I'm seven years old again.


hopenight October 5 2010, 05:23:57 UTC
And one more thing.

You get over the whole Fear and Loathing thing by watching either "Ed Wood" or "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" coming from having a best friend who is obsessed with Johnny Depp...I should know.


alicebluegown16 October 7 2010, 19:43:56 UTC
Will's movie collection is pretty much mine and Some Like it Hot and Singin in the Rain are absolutely my go-to pick me up films.

Truthfully, my favorite Beatle for the longest time was John. It was only after he died that I learned to appreciate the quiet genius that is George Harrison.

Thrilled you enjoyed the slow burn and that when they finally gave in that it was worth the wait.

Oh, and when it comes to Johnny Depp, the movies I watch to get the grossness of Fear and Loathing out of my mind are Sleepy Hollow and Edward Scissorhands.

He's totally his prettiest any time he works with Tim Burton.


tawg October 5 2010, 07:54:21 UTC
So, the making out and the entirety of the couch scene was incredibly hot, but I got to the line "You come first (big shocker there)", and I went BWAHAHA like you wouldn't believe. That was a really great line for tying everything back to Finn.

I found it really interesting what movies your picked for them to watch. I really liked that some of them (most) I haven't seen before, but I didn't feel like I was missing anything - you got across with important parts in relation to this story without making the movies seem bland. (Also, I'm going to be looking some of these films up for sure). I got such a kick out of how you've built up Will's interests and rounded him out so much. In this series I really feel that he's becoming your character, rather than just a character that you write.


alicebluegown16 October 7 2010, 19:50:16 UTC
I'm glad you liked my movies and am so super thrilled and relieved Will's character is ringing true, I partly worry that my fanon version of him might stray too far off course (and also that his likes and dislikes occasionally get too blurred up with mine.)

Minute-man Finn was a fun little thing to toss in. He may be slighly more mature, but he's still Finn.

I hope you check out any movies that piqued your interest. They're all great.


darkwords_ifind October 5 2010, 11:34:52 UTC
Gah! I would give you more detailed praise, but my brain is a pile of goo from a hard day's night and from reading your fic.
It was absolutely wonderful as usual.


alicebluegown16 October 7 2010, 19:52:02 UTC

I actually got to see A Hard Day's Night on the big screen once when they rereleased it for the fortieth anniversary.


Talk about ending up as a pile of goo.


carolinecrane October 5 2010, 14:01:04 UTC
So this is the first Will/Finn fic I have let myself read, because I was never really into them until I started writing them (long story) and I just went ahead and jumped right into this one rather than go back to the beginning, and wow, am I ever glad I did.

Mind: Officially blown! Your Finn voice is terrific, and the movie asides were really clever, and the whole thing was so sweet and -- dare I say -- realistic. I think I am a little hooked.


alicebluegown16 October 5 2010, 14:25:21 UTC
I'm flattered you enjoyed it as I have been absolutely adoring your Will/Finn series.

I love a good slow burn and yours is one of the best.


carolinecrane October 5 2010, 14:31:36 UTC
Well, hey, thanks. I have been going back and forth about whether to post that series here, since it's so intertwined at this point that you can't really read the Finn-centric stuff without reading the Kurt/Puck arc as well.

I may or may not be writing a total AU for the October challenge here, though. It just sort of...happened. And it's going to be looong. Oh well, I needed a bit of a break from that other 'verse anyway.


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