Fic. Want

Jul 20, 2010 13:08

Title: Want
Author: alicebluegown16
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Characters: Will/Finn, mentions of Tina/Artie
Summary: You know how it is, your friends start popping out kids and all of a sudden it gets you to thinking.
AN: Part of my series.  And yeah, this is now going in the direction of Will/Finn +kid which I know isn't some people's cup of tea.

Tina and Artie insist on making up for the fact that she almost gave birth in their living room by naming the baby William. )

contributor: alicebluegown16, fanwork: fanfic, rating: pg13

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Comments 12

scarecrowqueen July 21 2010, 18:09:07 UTC
Sweet and sexy and perfect! And Will and Finn would totally be awesome Gay Daddies... (for some reason, I can totally see Rachel all cheerfully smug about the whole thing...)


alicebluegown16 July 26 2010, 00:23:08 UTC

And Rachel is going to totally claim she was their inspiration.


madmenfanatic July 21 2010, 19:15:16 UTC
so glad to see another update. So sad you cut short the last scene. :)


alicebluegown16 July 26 2010, 00:23:36 UTC
Thank you. Glad you liked. Sorry for the lack of porn.


momoda6 July 21 2010, 19:19:14 UTC
'So I’m thinking we need to have some loud. Frantic. Headboard banging. Mad crazy. Fucking.'

Um, seconded.

Holy shit they're going to be parents. I don't know why I'm so excited for that but I am.

Out of curiousity, and maybe you mentioned this and I forgot, but do you have an idea for the timeline of this? Like, how old are they now? I mean, I don't know how old Will is meant to be anyway, but you were mentioning him maybe being too old for this and I'm kind of curious now.

I love their talks about serious stuff. It's always logical and honest and funny and really sweet in a non-cheesy way, and it's such a refreshing way of writing stuff like that. I want to say it's realistic, but I've never experienced people talking about being parents so idk. :P

And I love you for the making fun of Rachel. Just so you know. It's like 'Okay, she's talented and we love her, but seriously, that bitch is crazy.', which is essentially what I think everyone thinks about her.

And, um, unstructured comment ftw.


alicebluegown16 July 21 2010, 20:21:43 UTC
Oh, you don't even want to KNOW how excited I am at making them awesome gay daddies. I've got the next chapter already partially plotted out and I think the direction I'm taking this story in might make the it my favorite.

As to timeline: In my head canon Finn is 25 and Will is 39 (so, not exactly ancient by any standard.) I have no clue where I got the 14 year age difference from, but it seems to fit. At this point they've been together 8 years and "married" for a little over a year. Finn's been out of school for at least two years, and they've been working/living in Chicago for almost three years. If these were real people, I'd figure that's a good point in life to start talking babies.

I love writing relationship talks, so glad that scene worked for you.

And I'm also of the 'bitch be crazy, but we love her anyway' school with regard to Rachel. And in case you didn't know, I'm pretty sure Sue Sylvester is like, the freaking principal of that school.


momoda6 July 21 2010, 22:00:35 UTC
There was literally a documentary about gay dads on TV an hour ago, so I'm totally in a 'omg I want kids' mood right now. Even though normally I realllly don't want kids. Finn/Will would be sooo much better at being dads than those people though.

I'm trying to work out how old Will is meant to be on the show. He was married to Terri for what, 5 years? I can't remember. But I always thought he was about 30, so I agree with that age gap. And I agree, that seems like a good time to consider kids.

lmao that's the best thing ever. I think I'd be very scared of that school. D: If I'm not careful, the idea of Sue teaching Rachel how to be crazy and manipulative is going to stick in my head. And that is terrifying.


diddymus July 22 2010, 00:25:15 UTC

... )


darkwords_ifind July 22 2010, 01:57:45 UTC
“We need to-we need to-um--oh, fuck.”
“Yes. Totally. I agree completely.”

Awesome! I'm so excited to see where this story is going, they're going to be great daddies. Your story makes my day and it gets better with every chapter!


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