after watching "Midnight" at midnight

Jun 16, 2008 14:11

....Here's what I'm thinking. I agree with 95% of what's been said all over my f-list. Yes, it was different, and Twilight Zone ish, and screamed "disaster movie" and contained all the stereotypes within. No denying it. Since all of those things have already been put out there, here are some not-so-deep thoughts from my viewing.

Loved that the ( Read more... )

midnight, doctor who

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Comments 6

maypanic June 17 2008, 01:55:08 UTC
Yeah, it was rather "Lord of the Flies" at that.

Tennant does an amazing job of acting with his eyes. Not many people can do that- he usually is so manic with such over the top facial expressions, but being unable to move or speak on his own gave him the structure to blow it out of the park with the pain in his eyes.

So very excited to see Donna and Rose together. TVs everywhere may explode from the combined power of awesome.

Doomed!Donna- yes, please quit hitting us over the head with that! Even parallel universe is better than dead, but I want Donna alive and well and beautifully snarky and traveling happily forever.


elvenlaughter June 17 2008, 13:08:06 UTC
Absolutely agree about Tennant's eyes. The man is incredible. I felt every one of his lines in my gut...


(The comment has been removed)

wildcard_47 June 19 2008, 16:36:21 UTC
Oh, I could see that. As cliche and silly as it might seem on paper, it might actually be kind of brilliant as a last-minute rescue. :)


elvenlaughter June 17 2008, 13:12:52 UTC
I'm posting about this too... had too much to say to put in a comment!


tkurogrym June 19 2008, 04:29:11 UTC
Good overview -- and yes, yes, yes on all points. I'm willing to overlook the stereotyped and frankly unrealistic extra passengers in favor of Tennant's portrayal of the vulnerable (if not helpless) Doctor. Wow. He's always been cute in an adorkable way. Season 3 convinced me he could play angst and dark. This one convinced me that he can really go into subtle, emotional, nuanced drama. Frighteningly powerful.

Don't do that again, RTD. Having him lifeless and repetitive was awful.

And utterly amazing. I'm sorry he's caught up in yet another self-sacrifice that he couldn't stop (ala VotD - gak). That's getting old. But I'm also afraid it's setting a pattern that'll catch Donna before we're done. I expect to rant and spit quite a bit if (when) that happens in a few eps.

That said, "lifeless" seems to be what we're getting in the next episode!


wildcard_47 June 19 2008, 16:40:27 UTC
Yeah, I totally agree. DT having to act only with his eyes -- that was brilliant, but in a terrifying, "they've silenced our Doctor!" type of way. I was really impressed with how well DT was able to pull it off.

I also agree with you re: the pattern of self-sacrifice. A noble concept in theory, but one which has become a bit overused in recent episodes.

On that note, I expect we'll also see repercussions regarding the Doctor's "saving people thing", to quote some HP. I'm betting he'll learn, again, that Emergency Programme One, or some similar ideas/actions, will not always have a beneficial end result. If the self-sacrifice doesn't catch Donna, I imagine that some version of this protective impulse will -- the Doctor'll send her away, or attempt to save her, but will end up losing her for that very reason.

"lifeless" seems to be what we're getting in the next episode!
Nah, I'm betting he'll be mysteriously unconscious ala "New Earth." For different reasons, obviously, but that's my theory and I'm sticking to it. :)


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