after watching "Midnight" at midnight

Jun 16, 2008 14:11

....Here's what I'm thinking. I agree with 95% of what's been said all over my f-list. Yes, it was different, and Twilight Zone ish, and screamed "disaster movie" and contained all the stereotypes within. No denying it. Since all of those things have already been put out there, here are some not-so-deep thoughts from my viewing.

Loved that the resort planet finally made it into canon, and that Donna was a) secure enough to give herself some quality time there, without the Doctor, and b) instinctively knew how to react and respond to the Doctor when he returned.

On second viewing, does anyone else think that Jethro looked a little bit like the character of "Todd" from Wedding Crashers? With his Goth-esque clothes, and the initial "I megaloathe my evil, uncool parents" attitude? Just me, then?

Mkay, the professor was extremely grating even before he started freaking out. If I was his assistant, I would not be as patient or forgiving as Dee Dee. Seriously.

This whole episode reminded me of a "Lord of the Flies" type of venture - more psychological than anything else. The biggest threat is not what's outside, but everyone suddenly betraying (or wanting to betray) each other.

The Doctor without a voice of his own...... *terror*  Don't do that again, RTD. Having him lifeless and repetitive was awful.

In non-ep related thoughts, is anyone else stoked to see that Donna and Rose are going to meet in person? If only they didn't have to worry about paradoxes....the conversation coming out of that encounter could be interesting, indeed.

Meanwhile, obviously we're being clocked with the whole "DONNA IS DOOMED" plot line, but I'm still crossing my fingers for Tate. Though it doesn't look good, I hope that Donna isn't killed, at least. Or forced into an irretrievable parallel universe.

midnight, doctor who

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