Princess of Oz 20/26 by fabala_belle

Feb 06, 2007 20:10

Title: Princess of Oz 20/26
Rating: PG-13 (but quite suggestive)
Characters: Glinda and a guard
Summary: Glinda takes matters into her own hands.
Disclaimer: Wicked belongs to Gregory Maguire

Thanks to ladyelenar for convincing me to let Glinda take care of herself instead of waiting around for Elphaba to rescue her :) Sorry these chapters have been so short.

Glinda finally recognized the room the next morning, in the midst of her desperate searching for a way out. She had groped for the wall and grabbed onto something cold and hard, something that had played a light, tinkling melody at her touch. It was a music box, she had realized - her music box. This was her room, the one in her childhood home, filled to the brim with frilly dresses and expensive dolls.

“Keeping me in my own home… that bitch.” She kicked at the door, wondering what had become of her parents that had allowed this to happen. Where was her father? And her mother… Had she given the house to the Witch? Did she still live here? Was she keeping Glinda’s daughter for the Witch?

Was she the Witch herself?

Glinda screamed at the thought, tearing across the room to punch at the window again. Her hands already ached from the blows she had dealt to the covering, but it did no good. Another kick, this time against what should have been the wall.

Yet whatever she hit gave way, opening into another room.

She stepped forward tentatively, thrilled by the soft sunlight that filled the room. Her mother, or whoever it was who had turned her bedroom into a prison cell, had neglected the door to Ama Clutch’s room, probably thinking it to be another closet.

The door that led from the room to the hallway was unlocked, and Glinda strode out into the hallway. Finally, freedom… She just needed to figure out where Bri was being kept - the basement? - and get her daughter out of there before she was caught.

“Where do you think you’re going, missy?”

Glinda reeled around to face one of those guards, groaning as he hurried towards her. She had forgotten about the men who had escorted her from Mount Runcible to Frottica, the large, burly things that had made lewd comments to each other as though she couldn’t hear them.

But she couldn’t give up and let him seal her back in her room… Not with Bri’s cry still echoing in her ears. She found herself wondering what Elphaba would do, how the green woman would get them out of this mess.

Elphaba wasn’t there. It was up to her, and Glinda knew that she had to start thinking fast. “I was looking for you, actually,” she said as sweetly as she could, wishing that she was wearing the slinky little dress she had bought for Elphaba back in Settica… Would her lover think to grab the packages from the room in the inn before she left? No, Glinda, this is no time to worry about dresses. “I was just thinking about all those things you were saying in the carriage yesterday.”

“Were you?” His voice was matter-of-fact, and his body seemed even more massive now that he was so close.

“I couldn’t think of anything else,” she replied, smiling as seductively as she could. Hopefully she’d be good at seducing someone… She’d only ever been seduced herself. But there was no other plan that she could come up with…. She’d never be able to physically force her way past him, even if she used her bubble. He was sure to catch it, to lock it back in the room. “Your friend yesterday… He was all talk, but I could tell you meant business.” He took her arm in his vise-like grip, and she feigned a moan. “You aren’t going to punish me for escaping, are you?” A fluttering of eyelashes, and Glinda knew that she had gotten to him.

He stared at her ravenously for a moment, his eyes drifting down to her chest and back up to her beautiful face… “Oh, I’ll punish you, all right.” She kept herself from shrieking as he picked her up, instead forcing out a squeal of mock-delight.

This was hardly working the way she’d planned… Now they were back in her room, and she was flat on her back on the bed, concentrating all of her effort on not looking absolutely terrified as he lowered his heavy body over hers.

“I’ve got an idea,” she said suddenly, pushing on his shoulder until he rolled over and let her climb on top. “Maybe I can convince you not to punish me, hmm?” She kissed him deeply, hoping that he’d take her shiver of revulsion as one of pleasure.

The guard let himself get wrapped up in the kiss, busying his hands against her dress, and Glinda opened her eyes, glancing around for anything to help her. There was nothing within reach, nothing except a messy pile of scarves that she had left on her bedside table once… Were they the ones she had decided not to pack for Shiz ages ago?

She reached for them and came away with a few, pulling out of the kiss. “Feel like getting a little kinky?”

“Very much so.” He reached one hand around to her back, grabbing at her roughly through her skirt. She smiled, concealing gritted teeth, at his touch.

“Give me your hands, then. I promise I’ll make it worth your while.” She made her smile as naughty as she could, tying his wrists tightly to the bedposts with the scarves. “Are you ready for the really kinky surprise?”

“Oh, yes.” His eyes once again danced down to her cleavage, and she slapped him across the face.

“You’ll get it later, when you’re being punished for letting me get away, I’m sure.”

Glinda didn’t stop to be proud of herself until she was safely out of the house and had murmured the bubble spell. She didn’t want to go far… She needed to stay near Bri, to rescue her if the chance presented itself. She had promised the girl that she wouldn’t let anything happen to her, and she intended to make good on her words. She headed for the forest, tucking her bubble into a tree branch and deciding to lie in wait for the perfect moment.

When was the last time she had gotten herself out of trouble on her own? She couldn’t think of a single instance… Her father had always been there, or Ama Clutch. And then Elphaba, and Fiyero, and Chuffrey. Now, however, she had rescued herself, and she smiled to herself as she sat alone, watching her childhood home from a distance.
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