Title: Princess of Oz 19/26
Rating: PG
Pairing: Elphaba/Lurline
Summary: Elphaba and Lurline meet for the first time, and then Lurline heads to the Witch's fortress on a top secret mission :)
Disclaimer: Wicked belongs to Gregory Maguire
Elphaba had no idea why she was at Colwen Grounds, and even less of an idea why she headed into Nessa’s old palace and up the stairs. She could hear Nanny’s bustling in the kitchen, could see her father sitting in one of the few remaining chairs, but she couldn’t stop to visit with them, drawn towards the second floor by some inexplicable force.
What was even more curious was the sound of someone coming down the stairs from above, with slow, measured steps that matched up perfectly with Elphaba’s.
That was how Elphaba and Lurline came to meet on the landing between the two flights of stairs, reaching the flat platform at the same moment and staring at each other without knowing why.
Elphaba couldn’t explain how she knew that the woman before her, a woman with long blonde hair that curled at the bottom and soft blue eyes with an unearthly glow, was Lurline, but she couldn’t seem to change her mind once she got the idea in the first place. “Why am I here?” she asked softly, only stopping to wonder what the proper protocol for meeting goddesses was after she had spoken. She had certainly blown her meeting with Kumbricia, and now she was rushing into a question that sounded far too accusatory.
“I’m discovering,” Lurline replied, her lips curving into a hint of a smile, “that there are many things in Oz that don’t make sense to me, now. Maybe it’s because there are visitors from other worlds, or maybe I’ve merely been gone too long. I don’t really know why you’re here, Elphaba, or why I’m here. I think this means that I need you.”
“Need me?”
“I have no power anymore,” Lurline admitted sadly, “besides what is coming back to me now that I’m in Oz. You, on the other hand, have an incredible amount of power… You were able to resist Kumbricia, something that not even I could do. I don’t come close to understanding it; I just know that I need you.” She reached out a hand, and Elphaba took it without thinking. Both women felt a jolt when they touched, but neither could seem to let go… and neither wanted to. “You have to help me overthrow the Wizard and the Witch, Elphaba.”
“If you’ll help me get my family back.”
“Naturally.” Lurline stepped closer, comforted by the proximity of this powerful woman and the realization that there was someone who could help her Oz.
Elphaba allowed herself to smile, drawn into the soft glow of the delicate goddess. She wasn’t overpowering and self-assured like Kumbricia had been… She seemed so weak, so frail, so unsure that she reminded the green woman of a cross between Nessa and Galinda - her sister’s physical weakness with the susceptibility that Galinda had always hid beneath her false smiles. Elphaba found herself opening her arms to take Lurline in, and the blonde rested her head lightly against her shoulder, reveling in the safety of being around someone who could do all that needed to be done.
Maybe Lurline didn’t have her old power, but it was starting to seem that she could get by without it. Elphaba’s broom flew as well for her as it did for its usual rider, speeding her to Gillikin. It was only a matter of coaxing the doors to open silently for her, begging the floors not to creak… and the wood, wood from trees that had grown in Ozian soil, responded to her every need, allowing her to float silently through the Witch’s fortress.
The guards, too, conveniently looked away as she approached, feeling a desperate desire to gaze at something in the other direction until the goddess had passed them.
She hurried up the stairs and down a hallway, willing the air to point her in the right direction, the door at the end of the hall to open on its own, the woman inside to remain asleep. All she had to do was take the shoes from the Witch’s feet, and her mission was completed.