Translucent (1/1)

Dec 06, 2006 13:16

Well Yay! Cillia hasn't quite finished with Tainted, so hopefully next week -nods- Lucky i did this drabble or there'd be nothing to post. Enjoy, and see you Friday!

Title: Translucent
Author: Mel
Series: Becoming Visible
Fandom: LOTR RPS
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Orlando Bloom/Karl Urban
Warnings: sap, angst
Summary: Karl’s visit, his thoughts, an idea
Disclaimer: I don’t own the boys, I’m just playing
Author’s Notes: This is now, officially a series of Drabbles. Dubbed ‘Becoming Visible’ I’m going to follow my poor boys until they are visible and happy *pats boys* enjoy.

Previous Stories



Karl was always able to tell when he was near breaking point. During the Helms deep shoots Karl had had to bodily drag him from the set a couple of times. A quiet word to Pete would usually find their Friday schedule cleared and them both with a three day weekend.

Black Hawk Down didn’t create much of a problem, but he wasn’t there very long and they hadn’t gotten too attached to each other.

It was during the first Pirates movie that it truly started. Orlando had been trying to get a twirl of his sword just right, and no matter how many takes he made Orlando couldn’t get it right. When Karl called him he could hear the hitch in his breathing, a tremble in his words. Desperation screamed in every sentence he murmured.

Karl caught the next flight to the Caribbean. They were in each others arms for two short nights.

They had the weeks in between shoots together. It was always at Robin’s push that Orlando be seen with young pretty starlets. After their years together Karl would find him in the shower, scrubbing himself clean after such encounters. Wiping away their smell, as if he could scrub out the memory of their touch.

Karl let him have his ritual, stopping him just short of making himself bleed. Then his own ritual would start and he would make certain that his name was the only one his Orlando would cry out.

About half way through Troy a drenched Orlando appeared on his doorstep. It was the first time Orlando had made the flight to him during a shoot. He had his first sex scene today. True, all he and Diana had to do was cuddle, share a kiss or two, and the rest was taken up with creative angles and lights and movement. But it itched under his skin and he had to come home to Karl straight away.

Karl didn’t know how long either of them would be able to keep this up. It could be anywhere for hours to decades. He didn’t know which one of them would crack first, how long could anyone keep up a lie that described everything they were?

He’d heard Orlando crack a few times. No one else would, but Karl knew. And it was quicker each time. Soon they wouldn’t be able to spend a week apart, and then what? Would they decide to come out to everyone? Would they stop living this constant lie? Would that make it easier to spend time apart?

Would they be happy with the slack in movies if it meant they could share a kiss when they felt like it?

Karl let go of those thought’s when Orlando opened the door to him, making the softest growling noise. It calmed him just to see his little Orlando. Again nothing else mattered. The world could fall to pieces and they’d still have the next Forty Eight hours together.

It would be enough.

For Now.


“Do you ever-“

Orlando’s prone for stopping in the middle of sentences. It’s almost like he starts the sentence without thinking, only to start thinking halfway through. Sometimes he’ll continue the sentence, or he’ll reword the beginning of it before continuing. Sometimes he’ll just drop the words altogether, thinking better of that train of thought.

Orlando was a thinker, who often over thinks things that he shouldn’t.

Karl can tell he’s going to let this one drop, but has a feeling he shouldn’t. His arms tighten around his lover. “What Orlando?”

Another pause, then breathless words whispered into his neck. “Do you ever wonder what it’d be like to tell everyone?”

Karl’s whole body sighs and he kisses the temple beside his lips. “Lets tell your Mom first.”


rps fanfiction, fic:becoming visible, pairing:orlando bloom/karl urban

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