Hidden (1/1)

Nov 15, 2006 01:19

Well Yay, a short piece today. No tainted again this week. It is getting worked on, it's just taking it's sweet time to come together. Enjoy a little sad!

Title: Hidden
Author: Mel (melwil@tpg.com.au)
Fandom: LOTR RPS
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Orlando Bloom/Karl Urban
Warnings: sap, angst
Summary: Even Karl is hidden sometimes
Disclaimer: I don’t own the boys, I’m just playing
Author’s Notes: This is the sequel to Unseen (which is the sequel to Invisible) It wasn’t suppose to end up as a series, but it happened.



When we finally got around to actually ‘dating’, we decided to keep it to ourselves. No one needed to know right? We were careful, and certainly adult enough to keep our hands to ourselves in public. Other then my mother and sister, there was no one close enough to me that I felt close enough to that I had to tell them. It was the same for Karl, whose daughter was the only person he longed to tell, but being only two, there wasn’t a rush.

Karl was not the first guy I’d been with. He is my first ‘boyfriend’ I guess, but it’s not like I’ve never been open to the possibility. My Bisexuality is something my manager insisted we keep to ourselves. Even Viggo, the actor I’ve spent the most time with on any one set, doesn’t know. Unless he noticed it on his own. But he’s pretty dense like that and I’ve never given him any cause to believe I’m anything more then a ladies man.

Though Karl agreed, I know he remained hidden just for me.

I know he calls me the romantic one, but he is too. I know, being together as long as we have, I can see it in his smile. He wants to scream it from the rooftops. He wants to write me awful poetry and recite it from beneath my balcony.

He wants to hold my hand and to be seen alone with me.

Some days I want to let him, the days when we’re away from each other for months at a time. When all I get is late night phone calls. Whispered promises that we’ll be together soon. The occasional break down weekend when we fly to each other and not leave the hotel room for two days.

Our world doesn’t work like that, because in the end we love to act. This is our dream, how few people get to live out their dream? Living the dream makes it worth it. And one day we’ll be able to reach out for each other when ever we want.

But right now I’m not thinking very clearly. Right now all I can see is four long months of filming. I’m sick of the Caribbean, sick of hurricanes, of boots, and pirates, and fucken Jack Sparrow. I’m so close to telling Disney where they can shove they’re contract. I haven’t seen Karl in all this time, and the Paparazzi’s having a field day splashing my face next to any unattached woman I have a five minute conversation with. Even some I haven’t ever met. Robin just smiles, she eats the publicity up like a hungry hyena, these women do more for my name then the few public kisses I had with Kate.

Johnny notices, he doesn’t say anything though. Prick. He knows I’m pining for someone, he gets this stupid know smile whenever the mask slips and I lash out a little. I want to shove it down his throat. It’s not the giddy way I feel when Karl sees me. It’s an irritation. It worms in and makes me even more furious. Like I can’t stay invisible anymore. Because if Johnny sees it, then I’m a step away from other’s seeing it.

I’m on my bed in the hotel room, sitting with my knees to my chest. The cordless phone sits innocently on the quilt, almost begging me to pick it up. It doesn’t matter who I’d call though. Because it will eventually lead to calling Jerry and quitting. If I call Karl it’ll just make it all that more worse. It’ll remind me what I’m missing. Like I need anymore of a reminder. It’s not exactly something you willingly forget.

It’s not something I can forget.

All the romance novels in the world haven’t prepared me for this. I’m incomplete with out him by my side.

There’s a knock at the door as I’m reaching for the phone and I look up, scowling.

There’s no one who would willing disturb me right now, not after my last little outburst at Keira. I ignore it, only for the knock to sound a second, and then a third time.

Actually, I’m almost grateful to be able to take my anger and frustration out on someone, and poor little door knocker seems like a good start. I’m off the bed and striding towards the door before I have a second to think. Yanking it open, already growling I look up at my disturber.

And anything I could have said dies in my throat as Karl looks down at me. Everything freezers and I can only stare up at him.

“You have to let me in,” he tells me quietly, “or someone’s going to notice me going into Orlando Bloom’s room.”

For a second I want to fight it. I want someone to see Karl come into my room. I want the world to know. To start seeing me. But Karl can read my mind and firmly pushes the door the rest of the way open, sliding calmly past me. I close the door in his wake.

“Why are you here?” I’m so very happy to see him, I’m practically vibrating in my skin, but I can’t keep the edge of accusation creeping into my voice. He did, after all, stop the phone call that could have meant we’d be together all the time just by turning up on my door step.

“When we talked last, I knew you needed me. So I came.”

It was ass simple as that. I needed him, so he flew halfway across the world to be with me. Hidden or not.

In a heartbeat I’m across the room and in his arms, kissing him the way I’ve wanted to for months, hands tangled in his hair. I know this isn’t the answer I’ll want forever. Hotel room trysts, sneaky kisses and fleeting touches. But for now it’s enough.

For now it’s enough to stay hidden a little longer.


rps fanfiction, fic:becoming visible, pairing:orlando bloom/karl urban

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