
Jul 26, 2006 09:55

Tainted's taking me a lot longer to write then I thought it would. Unfortunatly I cant seem to find a place to cut this chapter in half. I should be done in the next few days, and then I'll pass it on to Cillia. But for now, this is the Sequel to Invisible.

Title: Unseen
Author: Mel
Fandom: RPS
Rating: m15 for language
Pairing: Orlando Bloom/Karl Urban
Warnings: none
Summary: Karl’s happy with an invisible Orlando
Disclaimer: Orlando appeared in my dreams and said he was gay! And he was naked too!
Author’s Notes: This is the sequel to Invisible. Again, very short and sweet.


Today he doesn’t want to be seen. I’ve always known, and it’s always been this way. Orlando hates the big parties Hollywood throws that he *must* attend. As such he refuses to leave the house the next day. He’s once told me that he could only be Orli for so long before it began to send him batty. I agree, after seeing him with the Lord of the Rings premiers, press conferences and then onto a plane to do it all again, I could watch his carefully crafted exterior crack under the constant lie. Ian had told him he was acting quite unlike himself and I felt the urge to hit the man for the first time. Orlando had been acting more like himself at that moment then in all the time I had seen him with the Fellowship.

I always hope that one day he can be himself, but so far his own insecurities with himself and distrust at Hollywood that hold him back. Not that I’d ever blame him for that, I am happy enough that he is comfortable enough around me to be himself.

So when I come home after lunch and my own exhausting morning of acting for the vultures, I am not surprised to see him engrossed in a book and curled up on the couch. Orlando revels in the silence more then he does in the music. I always think it’s strange when they call him a party animal, but then, they’ve never seen him like this.

He has slippers on his feet even though it’s spring, Orlando’s feet have always been sensitive to the cold. A simple set of wire framed glasses slip off his nose as he reads. His hair his up and out of the way, tied in a hurried manner with loose strands falling unheeded around his face. He makes small noises beneath his breath, his book must be getting exciting.

I know that I adore him all the more right now, when he’s looking so relaxed and free. I sit beside him but am careful not to disturb him. Looking at the state of his book it’s almost finished. My name would be ‘mud’ if I choose to drag him out of it now. Spying the cover I smile. Orlando loves to read just about anything. He brings his favorite with him wherever he goes and loves second hand bookstores. More often then not the shopkeeper in those stores didn’t reconise him. Though he could read just about anything and enjoy it, his favorite sort of book is the one currently in his hand. A trashy romance novel.

Orlando loves them. He can read them in an hour and feel amazing when he’s done. I have never met a person as romantic as Orlando. There are tears in his eyes as he finishes the book, closing it with a reluctant thud.

“Did he get the girl in the end?” I ask softly and am delighted when he is startled. I love that he is so use to my presence that he didn’t even realise I was here.

“Yes,” he relaxes, cuddling up next to me, another thing he enjoys that no one knows of. “Were you busy?”

“A bit, you were missed, Peter was hoping for a cast photo with the two Oscars.”

Orlando snorts, causing me to smile, “he’ll survive, I’m sure.”

“He is use to it by now, he didn’t give you too much grief.”

“Karl?” he’s not looking at me now and I’m intrigued to find out what his request is. “Tell me a story?”

I don’t laugh, cause I know he’d shut me out, even if it was for only a little while. Instead I lift his legs so he’s cradled in my lap, his ear resting where my heart is.

“Once there was a young man called Orlando. Orlando wanted nothing more then to be invisible. He wished and wished and one day he woke up to find he was invisible. At first it was fun, no one bothered him anymore and Orlando could do whatever he wanted. But soon Orlando became lonely. No one understood him anymore, no one could see him and it made Orlando sad.”

“One day Orlando met someone who could see him,” Orlando cuddles further into my arms, continuing the story about himself. “And Orlando was happy again. He found that even though he was sad that no one could see him, Orlando only needed that one person to see him to be complete.”

“I thought I was suppose to be telling this story?”

“I know it better then you,” Orlando smiles against my chest and I can’t help but chuckle. I like him like this, dry and sarcastic, why should *anyone* have to be warm and nice all the time. I like my Orlando with claws. “You love it, so don’t complain.”

“I wasn’t complaining. How does this story finish?”

Orlando thought seriously about my question before answering. “Orlando is still invisible to the rest of the world, but as long as his Karl can see him, he lives happily ever after.”

“I’m glad to hear that.” I kissed the top of Orlando’s head. I don’t lie to him, I am so happy that he allows me to see his shinning light.


rps fanfiction, fic:becoming visible, pairing:orlando bloom/karl urban

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