Inheritance (27/30)

Mar 19, 2010 09:00

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“Hi Holly,” Scotty said, walking into her kitchen with a bottle of red in hand. He stepped up next to her and kissed her cheek. “Need any help?”

“No, it’s almost done. But you could go help David set the table.”

“Uh, sure.” Scotty said, slightly hesitant. He turned from her then and began to walk out of the kitchen. “Kevin’s running a little late - meeting with Robert and the Governor ran long. He should be here any minute.”


And with that, Scotty walked into the dining room. David had the tablecloths and plates out. He was currently placing wine glasses around the table. Scotty put the bottle of wine down, picked up the pile of silverware at the end and began to distribute them to the different place settings.

“Hi David,” he said as casually as possible.

“Hi Scotty,” David replied, giving him a small smile. “I don’t think I’ve seen you since you got promoted. Congratulations.”

“Oh, thank you.”

David then reached for the bottle Scotty brought. He looked around, finally spotting and grabbing the corkscrew.

“Um, how’s that documentary project going?” Scotty asked.

“Really well,” David replied. “We should be finishing ahead of schedule. Then I thought I’d take Holly on a little trip.”

“That sounds like a good idea.”

“Yeah, but keep it quiet. She doesn’t know yet.” David winked conspiratorially at Scotty.

Scotty nodded, smiling. They were silent for a while, then David spoke again. “I’ve yet to check out San Estephe. It must be good considering how difficult it is to get a table.”

Scotty looked up, surprised. “I didn’t know you were even trying.”

David shrugged. “I want to see what you do.”

“Oh,” Scotty said, taken aback. “Well…I can get you a table. Just let me know when.”

David glanced at him quickly. “Have you ever been on a film set?”

Scotty laughed. “No.”

David nodded. “You should come by sometime. If you’re interested in learning more.”

Scotty watched David for a while. Then he made a decision. “OK. Sounds like fun.”

The dinner went, surprisingly, exceedingly well. Holly pulled Kevin aside at the beginning, apologizing in person for firing him from Ojai. Kevin accepted her apology, brushing away any further attempts to talk about it. And then the rest of the night was filled with easy conversation and laughter.

Until the end. Scotty excused himself, disappearing into the kitchen to check on the dessert. There was a momentary lull in the conversation, and Kevin reached out to sip from his wine glass.

“So, Kevin,” Holly said leadingly.

Kevin looked at her, eyebrows raising in inquiry.

“What are your intentions with my son?” she asked pointedly.

Kevin laughed in surprise, glancing at David to see what he thought of the joke. He seemed to be waiting for Kevin’s answer and so Kevin turned back to Holly, swallowing.

“Well, I - I don’t know.”

“You two are living together now. This isn’t some casual fling. Surely you must have some long-term plans. I don’t want to see him hurt.”

“I’ll never hurt him,” Kevin vowed seriously. “Not if I can help it.”

Holly nodded in acceptance.

“Honestly, Holly, I don’t really know where this will end up. I know I love Scotty. I want to be with him in whatever way he lets me, for as long as he wants me.”

Holly smiled. “Good answer.”


A few weeks later, Scotty and Sarah stood side-by-side, staring into a storefront window.

“You should get it.”

Sarah laughed. “You can’t be serious.”

“Sarah, you’d look amazing in that.”

“Well, it’s sweet of you to think so.”

“Look,” Scotty argued, pushing her inside the store and toward the rack of dresses. “You want to impress at this meeting, right? If you want your start-up to get this backer, you need to dress for success. Besides, it’s a launch party. You can go a little daring.”

Sarah sighed, groaning as she found the dress in her size and went into a changing room.

“I hate you for making me try this.”

“You’re going to thank me when you get lucky in it.”

“Ha! I wish.”

“That sounded cynical,” Scotty said, as he thumbed through the clearance rack near the dressing rooms.

“Not all of us have a love interest right in the family, you know.”

Scotty snorted. “That makes it sound so much more…hillbilly than it really is.”

Sarah laughed. She opened the door then, turning her back on Scotty.

“Zip me!”

Scotty stepped forward, reaching out and pulling up the zipper. Sarah turned around, striking a pose.

“Hot,” Scotty informed her.

“Really?” Sarah asked insecurely, stepping over to the full-length mirror. “You don’t think it’s a little…”

“No, it’s gorgeous. Stop fishing for compliments and buy it.”

Sarah took a deep breath. “OK,” she agreed. Then she looked at Scotty through the mirror and started laughing.

“What?” Scotty asked, a smile dancing on his lips.

“Just...I found you, what, over two years ago and now look at us.”

“Hard to believe, huh?” Scotty asked.

Sarah nodded. She turned and walked closer to Scotty, placing her hands on his cheeks. “I really, really did not want you to be our brother. And I’m so glad you’re not.”

Scotty laughed. “Me too.”

Sarah spun, pointing at her back, and Scotty followed the silent order to unzip her. She walked back into the dressing room, while Scotty continued to flip through the items on the rack. He snorted when he came across a men’s sparkly, silver dance-club shirt. As Sarah walked out, now back in her clothes, he took the hanger off the rack and held the shirt out behind him.

“Should I get this for Kevin?”

“You even have to ask? If you don’t, I will.”


After much teasing and begging and - Scotty was not ashamed to admit - whining, Kevin agreed to give Scotty a private modeling of the shirt. It didn’t stay on for long.

They were quiet as they relaxed afterwards, lying on their backs side-by-side. Scotty had his arm bent, his fingers playing with the hairs on Kevin’s chest as he stared into his eyes. Kevin smiled, scooting closer and kissing Scotty full on the lips.

He settled again, taking a deep breath. “Do you regret it ever?”

“Regret what?” Scotty whispered, taking the opportunity to lean closer and return the kiss.

“Not being a Walker.”

Scotty furrowed his brow, staring at Kevin in confused amusement. “Since you’re asking me this while we’re lying in bed, making out after some pretty fantastic sex, I’m going to assume you want me to say ‘no regrets whatsoever.’”

Kevin smiled. “No, I - ”

“Unless you miss the dirty little secret aspect of it?” Scotty asked, raising a teasing eyebrow. “I’m not going to say yes, Kevin, no matter how naughty it makes you feel.”

“This conversation sounded a lot different in my head.”

Scotty snickered. “Sorry.” He forced a serious expression to his face. “You were saying?”

“I just meant,” Kevin said slowly, “that there are other ways to become an official Walker. If you were at all interested.”

Scotty stared at him for a beat. “I don’t want to jump to any conclusions here,” he replied nervously. “So you better spell this out for me.”

“Jump to as many conclusions as you want,” Kevin said softly, “as long as the answer is yes.”

Scotty rolled on top of Kevin, kissing him over and over and over. Kevin laughed, fighting for breath in between kisses.

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

“Yes. Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes.”

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holly, sarah, au:inheritance

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