Inheritance (26/30)

Mar 18, 2010 09:00

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Scotty was surprised to discover he was the only one in bed again, when he woke up the following morning. He looked curiously around the room before getting dressed and going downstairs. He found Kevin in the kitchen, sitting at the counter in his T-shirt and boxers while Nora prepared breakfast.

“Morning, Scotty,” Nora said cheerfully.

“Hi,” Scotty said slowly.

As Nora turned back to the stove, Scotty opened his eyes wide as he stared reproachfully at Kevin.

“What?” Kevin asked.

Scotty leaned close to him, talking quietly. “I thought we were going to keep last night between us. Way to be discreet.”

Kevin took a sip of his coffee, staring at Scotty. “It would look stranger if I snuck out of here. It is my mother’s house,” he responded, his voice equally low.

“You could at least get dressed! You’re not wearing any clothes.”

“I’m not naked,” Kevin pointed out.

Nora turned away from the stove then, carrying over plates of bacon and eggs. “What are you talking about?”

Scotty found he couldn’t look her in the eyes.

“Oh, don’t be silly,” Nora exclaimed as she figured it out. “You’re both adults; you can spend the night here whenever you like. Just be safe!”

“We…are,” Scotty said, mortified.

Kevin smiled at Scotty over the rim of his coffee cup. “You realize my mother’s been pointing out cute boys and giving me safe sex tips since I was 18 years old. Nothing fazes me anymore.”

Scotty returned the smile, although his expression clearly said Kevin would be punished later.

“Eat up, boys!” Nora said, as she picked up the morning paper and started walking away. She paused by Kevin and patted his shoulder as she said pointedly, “From the sound of things, you worked up quite an appetite last night.”

As she left the room, Kevin blushed deep crimson.


“You know, I’m hypothetically cool with it,” Justin commented loudly as he walked into Nora’s kitchen several weeks later, causing Kevin and Scotty to pull away from each other in surprise. “And yet, I see this, and my first thought is still - ”

“Incest!” Sarah chimed in, agreeing as she followed Justin into the kitchen.

“You’re so funny,” Kevin said grumpily.

“Help me carry this stuff to the living room,” Sarah ordered Kevin.

Kevin walked around the counter grabbing a couple gift bags and food items. As he walked out of the kitchen, he complained, “Why on earth are there so many presents here? I’m pretty sure Tyler’s only having the one baby.”

“I hope so!” Justin called after them.

Scotty grinned at Justin. Justin stepped closer to the counter and grabbed a cookie.

“Those are for shower guests only,” Scotty warned.

“I don’t understand why you have to go to this thing, and I get out of it.”

Scotty scoffed. “Because I’m gay.”

Justin shrugged, allowing the argument. “So how are you? We haven’t hung out in ages.”

“I know,” Scotty said, shaking his head. “I’m sorry. Work’s been insane.”

“And you’ve been spending all your free time with my brother’s tongue down your throat,” Justin concluded with a grin.

“Ah,” Scotty hesitated, rubbing at his eyebrow. “That too.”

“You know, just because you two are all lovey-dovey doesn’t mean you can stop being my friend. I’ve got exams next week, and then a break. Want to do something then?”


“Cool. Now I’m out of here before I get roped into staying. Have fun with my baby-mama.”

“I’m going to tell her you called her that.”

Justin grinned, knocking on the countertop in goodbye as he pushed away from the island.


“What are you reading?” Kevin asked as he joined Scotty at the coffee shop table one morning later that month.

“Um, apartment listings.” Scotty looked at Kevin, rising out of his seat to lean forward and kiss him. “Good morning. I’m sorry I didn’t come over last night; work went crazy-long.”

“No problem,” Kevin replied. “I missed you though.”

Scotty grinned suggestively at Kevin. Kevin winked back.

“Who needs an apartment?”

“I do.”

Kevin raised a questioning eyebrow, and Scotty sighed. “I love your mom, I really do. And I owe her so much for letting me stay there. But I’m not a student anymore; I’m head chef.”

Kevin had been preparing his coffee, grumbling quietly about the wrapper on the creamer packet. He looked up, startled, when Scotty’s comment registered.


Scotty smiled.

“Oh my God!” Kevin exclaimed, leaning forward to kiss him again. “Congratulations! When did you find out?”

“Last night. It’s probationary but…”

“You deserve it.”

“Thank you,” Scotty said, strangely bashful. Then he took a deep breath and went back to his previous subject. “So you see, I am perfectly capable of getting my own place now. Plus, I’d like to have you over occasionally without worrying your mom is going to…hear us. Or worse, accidentally walk in.” Scotty shuddered at the thought.

Scotty turned back to the listings and Kevin watched him for a moment, a small smile on his face. Then he reached out and closed the newspaper, tugging it away from Scotty.

“What are you doing?”

“Moving is really expensive,” Kevin argued. “Security deposit, first month, furniture. Even with a promotion, it’s a big undertaking.”

“Well, I have to move eventually. May I have that back, please?”

“I took a huge cut going to work for Robert. Funny, isn’t it, that you’re looking for a new place when I wouldn’t mind someone sharing the expenses.”

Scotty looked up at him, surprise in his eyes.

“Are you serious?”

Kevin nodded.

Scotty began to smile. “I’m going to pretend that you didn’t ask me to move in with you so we could save money.” Kevin opened his mouth to interrupt in protest. “But only because I really, really want to say yes,” Scotty concluded.

Kevin grinned.


But it was easier said than done. Because when he got home after work, Nora had made the two of them a full sit-down meal to celebrate the promotion she had heard about through the grapevine. And a few days later, she came into his room, excitedly announcing that An Affair to Remember was on TV that night and how happy she was that he actually liked old movies, unlike some of her children. And on Monday, she showed him the booties she was knitting for the future baby, chattering happily about the thought of even more little feet inside her big house.

Scotty couldn’t do it. He couldn’t tell her he was leaving.

Kevin cajoled him, and teased him, and ordered him to pack up his things already. And the long kisses good night on the days he didn’t stay with Kevin (he no longer allowed Kevin to stay over there) were probably the strongest argument. He’d walk into the house, ready to tell Nora, and then something would happen - even just a smile in greeting - that would be enough to make him guiltily hold his tongue.

“Look, she’ll be upset for a while, and then a couple weeks later, she’ll come over with an entire supply of linens. Which is great because we need new sheets.”

“I know,” Scotty said with a sigh.

Kevin smirked at him. “Would you like me to tell her?”

“No!” Scotty declined for the umpteenth time. “I owe her that much. OK, I’m going to do it. I’m going in there and I’m just going to tell her.”

“See that you do,” Kevin said, leaning over to kiss Scotty. “Or I’m going to find someone who does want to move in with me.”


“Love you.”

Scotty climbed out of the car, walked up the driveway, and entered through the kitchen. Nora was in there, squinting as she read some handwritten notes in her cookbook.

“Hi honey,” she said.

“Hi Nora.”

“Isn’t it sad when you can’t read your own writing?”

Scotty agreed, then took a deep breath. “Nora - ”

“How was dinner?”

“Fine. Nora - ”

“You know, you two don’t have to make out in the car like you’re in high school. Kevin could come in and say hi.”

“Nora, I’m moving out!” Scotty said before she could interrupt again.

She looked up in surprise. “Oh.”

“Yes,” Scotty started talking rapidly. “Thank you so much for letting me stay here so long. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it, but it really is time for me to - ”

“Well, of course,” Nora said, the emotion clear in her voice. “You weren’t going to stay here forever. I know that. It will be nice for both of us to have some privacy again, won’t it? Will you excuse me - the dryer buzzed a little while ago. I should fold the clothes before they get all wrinkled.”

She rushed out of the room, and Scotty watched her go. “Nora!” he called after her. Then he sighed.


Once Nora found out Scotty was moving in with Kevin, she got over his leaving much sooner than she had any of the times her kids moved out on their own. The linens didn’t even come weeks later; they were some of the last things Scotty brought up to the loft with him the very day he moved.

Scotty opened the door, walking into the loft the same moment Kevin stepped into the living room from the bedroom.

“I hung up all your shirts on the left side of the closet. We might want to think about getting another dresser or something to fit everything - what’s that?”

“Uh, a table cloth, towels and new sheets from your mom. Egyptian cotton!”

“No, in your other hand.”

“Oh! Red velvet cupcakes!” he said, presenting them to Kevin with a flourish. “Housewarming gift from me to us.”

Kevin took them, placing the plate on the coffee table. “They look fantastic. I think living with a chef is going to be the death of me. I guess I’ll have to renew my gym membership.”

Scotty smirked. He reached out to Kevin, pulling him close and leaning in for a kiss. “I can think of better ways to stay in shape. Did you know that you can lose, like, a pound a day if you kiss three times?”

“Hmm,” Kevin said, grinning. “I wonder how much a blowjob gets you!”

Scotty wrinkled his nose in amusement. “I suppose that depends on - ”

“If you swallow,” Kevin finished, laughing.

Scotty nodded, while Kevin tilted his head seductively. “Let’s find out,” Kevin suggested.

The sheets ended up on the floor then, and a few moments later, Kevin and Scotty ended up on the sheets.

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justin, sarah, nora, au:inheritance

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