Dark Water - Reaction and Discussion Post [SPOILERS!]

Nov 01, 2014 20:13

Well, that was one heck of a "next week" trailer at the end of the last episode (the best thing about that episode?) and now we're going to see whether the first part of the Series 8 finale lives up to that promise/threat. Just what the deuce is going on with "Missy" and her strange bargain basement afterlife, what has it got to do with Clara and ( Read more... )

series 8, twelfth doctor, 50 years of who, dark water, television stories, television

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Comments 25

persiflage_1 November 1 2014, 21:33:40 UTC
My reaction consists of "OMG! What the actual f***ing fuck? Moffat went THERE? WHY?!"


eloriekam November 1 2014, 21:41:58 UTC
I think that's sort of my reaction too.


persiflage_1 November 2 2014, 06:33:43 UTC
There are a bunch of other questions on my mind, but that's the foremost one.

(Oh, and it's not that he made the Master a woman - that I don't care about - it's that he brought the Master back that baffles me.)


femme_slash_fan November 3 2014, 15:17:40 UTC
Mine was more 'Did you forget to ask if you could use the Rani?' I mean... female Master? I'm annoyed.


(The comment has been removed)

jaelle_n_gilla November 2 2014, 11:54:17 UTC
I think Clara's time is about over. With all the back and forth and threatening and screaming that's become quite an abusive relationship that should be ended by one of them.

I think Clara is going to die in the attempt to rescue Danny and they will happily ever after live in the afterlife. Just my guess though :)

The master has always had access to Time Lord technology. Even after he was exiled from Gallifrey he still had a Tardis... although it was never explained why or how. Maybe he *makes* those things?


dragonsally November 1 2014, 23:17:47 UTC
As someone who lost her father in July, and whose father was cremated can I just say "Fuck you Moffat for putting that idea in my head" Bloody hell.


ravenskyewalker November 2 2014, 05:50:57 UTC
Yeah, I can understand that. I lost my father in 2010 and he was cremated, but... hmm. Am I maladjusted for not being as creeped-out as I probably should be? What hit me harder was poor, devastated Clara just silently standing out in the street as if inviting someone to run her down. Because... yeah, I know about guilt.

I liked this. I want the last half NOWWW, not next week. And, again, I love watching and listening to Capaldi. I watched a rerun of "In the Forest of the Night," and really, apart from the gorgeous direction and visuals, he was the only interesting thing there...


dragonsally November 2 2014, 05:58:49 UTC
I agree, it was a brilliant episode. And nah, not maladjusted for not being creeped out. It was just a little too soon for me. Poor Clara. I hope she gets Danny back. She has to, because we met their grandson. Or is she already pregnant? Ahhhh, Moffat.


lolmac November 5 2014, 19:32:41 UTC
Thank you for this comment -- both my parents were cremated, I plan to be, and my response was a hard pushback in line with the Doctor denouncing the whole thing as a scam. I'd say you're the opposite of maladjusted!

And I long since let go of any belief that the show is supposed to be for kids. I'm not sure it ever was, not essentially -- not when "for kids" implies "oh don't go there must protect the wee brains" -- even though I know I'm in a minority with that opinion.


wunnerwmn November 2 2014, 00:13:18 UTC
Since I don't get BBC America on my cable and have to wait until Sunday to watch the latest episode through Amazon, I haven't seen the episode yet. Looking at the comments here and at another LJ Who site I wonder if I even want to watch. I had a sinking feeling since the premiere episode that "Missy" was the Master, when she did that weird snort and teeth click that Simm would've done.

More comments after I've actually seen the show :) but wow, I'm so discouraged at them bringing back the "bat-crap crazy" Master as Missy. I was hoping in "Robot of Sherwood" that if the Master was coming back the sheriff would end up being him, as that actor was so like Anthony Ainley, and I much preferred his version.

*sigh* I'd watch some classic Who to console myself but the main source for that online has been shut down.


dragonsally November 2 2014, 00:29:40 UTC
Its a great episode. Just disturbing.


ravenskyewalker November 2 2014, 15:10:26 UTC
Well, if it's any consolation, I'm an old Classic Whovian who's had massive issues with most of New Who, but absolutely love Series 8 (despite fandom's screaming that it's the Worst Thing Ever), because I think Capaldi makes an amazing Doctor. I think this one was worth watching and can't wait for the second half.

(I also admit to rolling my eyes at the New Who fans who want Tennant and Rose back, because, every time one of these Gatekeepers of Fandom angrily protests S8, I want to laugh and say, "Now you know how I felt during Eccleston and Tennant. I'm enjoying this, so of course it should be canceled.")


wunnerwmn November 2 2014, 19:59:10 UTC
Capaldi is the main reason I've stayed with this season. He's great and brings a lot of gravitas to the role. I'm just hoping for better scripts and a better companion he has more chemistry with.


wunnerwmn November 2 2014, 20:11:33 UTC
Gotta say that this episode has creeped me out more than any DW episode I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot over the years. I guess this is where the "into darkness" part really kicks in, as wow was it grim and disturbing. The whole thing about cremation really bothered me.

Capaldi was excellent though, one of his better episodes I thought. I just kind of dread next week as it looks like Danny's on course to being a Cyberman... but will probably be one who helps to thwart Missy's plan.

I'm really hoping this will be the end of Clara's time with the Doctor - I'm really weary of all the angst and lying and manipulation. I think this Doctor is so dark and cranky he needs a more positive companion to balance things out.


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