Dark Water - Reaction and Discussion Post [SPOILERS!]

Nov 01, 2014 20:13

Well, that was one heck of a "next week" trailer at the end of the last episode (the best thing about that episode?) and now we're going to see whether the first part of the Series 8 finale lives up to that promise/threat. Just what the deuce is going on with "Missy" and her strange bargain basement afterlife, what has it got to do with Clara and just what form is the catastrophic blow-out in Clara's relationship with the Doctor, which I personally have been expecting for weeks now, going to take?

And what are you going to think of it all? Please leave your thoughts, comments, responses, gasps of disbelief, groans of disgust, gurglings of squee, in the comments below. And beware of SPOILERS!

series 8, twelfth doctor, 50 years of who, dark water, television stories, television

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