Thursday, March 14th, 2013

Mar 15, 2013 11:42

Do you have a Doctor Who community or a journal that we are not currently linking to? Leave a note in the comments and we'll add you to the who_daily reading list.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because of the high posting volume and the quantity of information linked in each newsletter, who_daily will no longer link fanfiction that does not have a header (that includes no listing of main characters). For an example of what a "good" fanfic header is, see the user info. Please note, the fic must have a header with the fic, not just in the link post, in order to be added to the newsletter. Thank you.

who_daily & torchwood_three are looking for new editors to join our team. If you're interested, please see this post.

Off-LJ News:
The Doctor Who Experience Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt
Doctor Who Adventures issue 311
Tickets are available for Big Blue Box 2; a one-day convention at Trinity Theatre, Tunbridge Wells
Scripts from never-seen Doctor Who episodes found in Herne Bay
BFI will screen The Caves of Androzani on May 4. (Tickets available in April)
Whovian News and Extras for Thursday, March 14
Doctor Who Adventures is play a Monster Day Out
Hunt on for lost tapes starring Doctor Who's Plymouth companion Adrenne Hill who played Katriana

(News via og_news, blogtorwho and tardisscanner among others. For additional news please visit: googledw)

Communities & Challenges:

gallifrey_times - March 15th edition

Discussion & Miscellany:
greatflicker has a request to find Doctor Who viewership demographics
slavic_beastie pimps a Deviantart Doctor Who contest
sarah531 has scans of Doctor Who Magazine #457

The Sexy Question by swan_secrets [Clara/Nina | NC-17]
Do You Wanna Date My Avatar by paperclipbitch [Oswin, Larry, Sally (Amy/Rory) | PG]

Works in Progress
Ignite Your Bones (1/?) by vayleen [Ten/Donna, Wilf, Master | PG-13]
The Vortex Boys (4/?) by onabearskinrug [Ten/Rose | Teen]
Remembering (1/?), (2/?), (3/?), (4/?) by memsev [Ten/Donna | not rated]
Propriety, Murder and Time Travel (19/23) by kelkat9 [Ten2/Rose, Alt!Amy/Alt!Rory, Jackie, Pete | PG-13]
The Last One Standing (3/?) by malicehaughton [Doctor/River | Teen]
Back in the Day (1/5) by bas_math_girl [Ten/Donna, Wilf | PG-13]

Icons & Graphics:
slavic_beastie has several Doctor/Rose/Jack wallpapers

Fanart & Creative Endeavors
psychofish has two drawings - The Cavern (Doctor) & a sketch of the Doctor and Amy

If you were not linked, and would like to be, contact us in the comments with further information and your link.
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