Here’s for another 10. Everyone seems to be celebrating early lol.
And here’s a little something someone else made to celebrate the past 10. I’ll write something for it later on today. Got to do something for 10 years back on the air.
You know someone is a fanboy when they are already famous for a character they act (or more than one in this ase) and they decide to do a small project completely on the side for funsies with a bunch of fans absolutely free. This is Dante Basco on Homestuck, reading the lines in the colab lets read because he was asked if he was interested and hes
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Its finished! Oh wow! Its better than I thought it would be!
After Us is Homestuck, but canon events during the Ancestor arc (and the Beforan trolls that made it happen) Love this, love it so much. Made by toastyhat.
Sorry, I just had a strange thought, in which when the Doctor is romancing someone, his version of a perfect night is to slow dance with his partner while INXS plays softly in the background.
Yep, I did it with the whole cast of Ten gathering together after saving the multi-verse together. Focusing on Jackie and her being the odd one out. But a hero in her own right.
In fact loved the idea so much I already have the idea planted in my head and wish to start it as soon as possible.
Need to do something to get me started back in constant writing, as I haven't written much at all since June last year (two deaths in the family within a week of each other, followed by my next door neighbour who died the very next week
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