Stupidity and my mind taking off ahoy!
I now have the odd headcanon that, opposed to everything else we've learned about the Doctor's childhood...that he grew up in an orphanage.
Not saying he was actually orphaned, but that his parents ran an orphanage, and because of that was made to stay there. He was canonically Depressed when he was young. Something I doubt Clara knew.
Being around orphans all day without losing his parents...they can't look after only him, they can't even focus on their own child because the others have lost so much. And I don't care what people think, a little boy so upset he sees things as dull, grey and lifeless, who was so upset he even lost the ability to cry, is not normal.
I mean if those two adults were his parents (and there is nothing saying they weren't) and both of them knew what the problem was but didn't (or couldn't) do anything about it...
Hearing his own TARDIS probably started the spark to explore, but it probably also made things worse for him. Everything he wanted just flying out of his grasp and disappearing before he even really knew it was there. He wanted to be a Time Lord, sure, but with people telling him he couldn't be because he was too much of a crier...especially if said people are his parents.
I always thought the speech Three gave Jo was hinting that at one stage as a child he got so Depressed he was suicidal. His darkest day. Who knows what would have happened if he hadn't come across someone willing to and did listen to him, who showed him that the world isn't grey and lifeless. Someone who, without a word, showed him that life was worth living. It is an extreme reaction to it, sure, but it was what I was thinking.
Given Ten's conversation to Martha and Jack about the Untempered Schism, it makes sense that that was the day that pushed him too far.
It makes sense to me he saw the end of the Time War, saw himself destroying/time locking Gallifrey or his home plant on fire and at War with an enemy it couldn't beat. What would that do to an eight year old?
For those who have never heard this conversation, I found it on Youtube. So, here it is. I really is quite lovely and reassuring to Jo.
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