Originally posted at Neighborhood 99 on 17 July 2011
Yesterday, Amelia revealed that she's still carrying a torch for George. Thomas felt uncomfortable when he saw them together, but George reassured him that Thom is the only one he loves.
George and Thomas hosted a barbecue, the evening before. The party broke up so late, George oversleeps and has to rush to get ready for work. In his haste, he busts the plumbing in the bathtub.
Thomas sleeps through George's departure. The sound of barking wakes him up, however. The leader of the local wolf pack, Baron, has returned. Thomas greets him in the early morning light.
Thom's hair mesh by Newsea, re-coloured by
Simgaroop / Thom's outfit (
Old Fashioned Pajama) by All About Style
Thomas calls the repair service about the tub. Waylon stops by to fix it, later that morning.
He brings along all the necessary tools and expletives.
After he finishes, Waylon suggests that they hang out together. This is the first time that he's wanted to stick around. I guess Thom's place was the last stop on his rounds, today.
Meanwhile, George's co-workers don't seem to have learned their lesson. They invite George to join another poker game at work. George wisely declines. When their boss finds out about the game, he demotes the lot of 'em - once again, clearing the way for George's promotion.
George is now a Whale Tracker! (He looks very pleased with himself, in this picture.)
George's hair mesh by Rose, re-coloured by
Simgaroop George changes out of his work clothes and joins Thomas in the garden.
I can't believe that Thom isn't a PlantSim, yet! After he finished spraying the trees, Thom stood still and took a deep breath. I honestly thought he was transforming, at last! But it was just a tease -- he whipped out his hand-held game and started playing.
Thom's outfit (
here) by migamoo/MTS
Recently, Waylon has wanted to spend more time with Thomas. When he comes back inside, Thom gives him a cell phone so that they can stay in touch more easily. Waylon is just so grateful - which is in stark contrast to Ash Wong's behaviour when Thomas gave him a gift (see
Day 09).
After Thom leaves for work, Waylon meets Wizard. He plays with the cat until Wizard scratches him.
Waylon gets even by tossing the cat into the air right after it eats.
After that, they declare a truce and start to become friends.
Over lunch, George tells Waylon about his Dream Date with Thomas. You remember this date, the one that they spent making out on the couch? TMI! The lampshade tries to censor George's speech bubble.
Turns out Waylon wants even more details. The lampshade gives up.
When Thom came home from work, last night, he found Amelia visiting with George. He wanted Wizard to learn to speak, so that he could find out what they'd been up to. Even though George allayed his suspicions, Thomas still wants a talking cat. So tonight, he starts teaching Wizard to say “spurk.”
If Thomas is training Wizard to be an effective witness, though, he might want to re-think his choice of vocabulary. (Unless this is some sort of code?)
While Thomas is training his cat to be a secret agent, George is making equally strange plans for the evening. He's obsessed with death: he wants to see a ghost, have a near-death experience, and he fears that Thomas will die. He suggests that they head back to the cemetery.
(So, what do your Sims do on a Saturday night?)
Forgoing the poker game, today, has made George itch to play a hand. He sits down to a game in the poker crypt.
Amelia just happens to be strolling through the graveyard and joins him. She wants to talk about Thomas. George tells her how much he loves him. Amelia changes the subject.
Amelia's hair mesh by Peggy, re-coloured by Piggi's Sims (not available)
Pamela's hair mesh by CoolSims, recoloured by
Piggi's Sims George and Thomas don't do much at the graveyard - no ghost-sightings, no big wins at poker. Jeremy, on the other hand, had a very lively time. Read about his (mis)adventure here in a bonus update,
Vampires Behaving Badly!
Bonus Photo: A LOLCats meme
Thanks for reading!