I'm glad to see that this website is still up and running because every now and then i het the urge to stalk people in a different way... I mean the urge to write about my menial existence. I had a bunch of thoughts but they all just left
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I don't know if everyone heard but some gay guy in New York Was on Crystal Meth and then had unprotected sex. He now has a new form of HIV that caused AIDS to appear in two months rather than 10 years. This new virus is only being effected by 1 out of 20 of the AIDS drug s out there today
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I finally figured it. Oblivion is the thing you feel when there are absolutely no words no tears no smiles no laughs no sounds. Theres is nothing that can compare to the feeling of oblivion. it is similar to a black hole it kind of sucks in everything and everyone and draws them all down into negativity. Since no words are present when someone try
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