Drabble prompts!

Aug 05, 2009 00:40

This week's drabble prompts are brought to you by Anne Taintor, maker of snarky magnets featuring vintage images of vindictive housewives and women behaving badly. Each prompt comes with both a picture and a caption, and while most are related to domestic or sexual situations, please feel free to explore and interpret them however you like. Prompts are for the character or pairing of your choice from the canon of your choice.

Here are the rules:

1) Prompts are not exclusive. There is no limit on the number of people who may write about a prompt, and there is no need to claim prompts.

2) Post responses in the comments and include the canon, character, and your prompt in the subject line. (Sample: Jocelyn McCoy, AOS, "Damn straight, I keep score")

3) Responses may be any length from a proper 100-word drabble to a multi-chapter epic. If the story is too long for comments, you may post it elsewhere and comment with the link.

4) There is no time limit for this challenge.

5) Please leave feedback, respond to feedback, and pimp this post around.

Responses are indexed as of 8/11/09. I linked to part 1 of anything posted in multiple parts, and if you provided a link to the story in your journal, I linked it there. Please let me know if I made any errors. If you still wish to write a response, please do so; I will make a final pass at indexing in one week.

1. Damn straight I keep score

2. Guess where I'm tattooed
McCoy/Chapel, AOS by zagzagael
Number One, TOS by igrockspock

3. She could no longer pretend that he wasn't an idiot

4. I love not camping
Chapel, AOS by snarkypants
McCoy/Chapel, AOS by snarkypants

5. Someone was going to have to set a bad example
Winona, AOS by ink_n_imp

6. An attitude is a terrible thing to waste

Uhura, AOS by downjune

7. Medicated and motivated
Winona, AOS by ceria_taliesin

8. Think of me as a challenge
Chapel, AOS by snarkypants
Spock/Uhura, AOS by laugh_cry_live (Rated R)

9. The secret ingredient was resentment

10. It's not easy being easy
Gaila, AOS by igrockspock

11. She wanted to look good for the trial
Uhura, AOS by igrockspock

12. Hurrah! At last I'm 40!

13. She had not yet decided whether to use her power for good...or for evil
Gaila, AOS by igrockspock (Warning: mentions of violence and non-consensual sex)

14. She kind of enjoyed working for an idiot
Chapel/Rand, TOS by easy-beinggreen (Rated NC-17)

15. She had no intention of suffering alone
Winona/Frank, AOS by coasterchild

16. What muffled screams, officer?

17. What ever had she done? And with whom?
Gaila/McCoy, AOS by ilikethequiet
Gaila, AOS by ladyofspring

18. If by happy, you mean trapped with no means of escape? Then yes, I'm happy.
Jocelyn, AOS by oldcountrydoc

19. The real mystery was why she had married his fat ass in the first place

20. She was one cocktail away from proving his mother right
Amanda/Sarek, AOS by izzyfics

21. She never could remember which was better... safe?... or sorry?

22. Why yes, I am that kind of girl
McCoy/Chapel, AOS by kendallshoots (Rated R)

23. She was living proof that looks could be deceiving
Winona, AOS by agirlnamedskip

24. Now that he had bought the cow, the milk was going to be extraordinarily expensive

25. There was nothing passive about her aggression
Winona, AOS by mockingbirdq
Uhura, AOS by july-july-july

canon: aos, character: jocelyn, challenge: drabblefest, character: gaila, creative: fic, canon: tos, character: uhura, character: number one, character: rand, character: winona, character: amanda, character: chapel

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