song - unknown artist, title, year plz help?

Mar 13, 2012 01:41

I downloaded a misnamed file 7+ years ago, that turned out to be a song I quite like - except I still have no idea who is singing it or what the title is. I've tried to plug in snippets of the lyrics, into Google and I don't get any results back that even remotely resemble this song. I can't find the lyrics or possible artist on the net anywhere ( Read more... )

music, !found, music folk, song

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Comments 12

lurelei March 13 2012, 11:19:41 UTC
Seems like you've been searching for a long time now. I do not know the song, sorry, but have you tried using an app called Shazam? If that doesn't work, the wikipage mentions a few similar ones...
Hope you find it!


fidomom March 13 2012, 19:07:17 UTC
Hahaha! I'm very old school - the only phone I have is a land line. It would have been awesome if an app like that could solve this. Thanks so much in any case. ^_^

~FM :)


marykris March 13 2012, 15:12:31 UTC
Can you maybe upload the file?


fidomom March 13 2012, 19:09:53 UTC
Okay I uploaded it to zSHARE.

I'll edit my original post to include the download link. Wish I'd thought to do that in the first place. Thanks for the idea. Maybe it will help someone recognize it. ^_^

~FM :)


deepbluemermaid March 13 2012, 19:38:45 UTC
I just tried downloading the file - I don't recognise the lyrics, but I could maybe help identify the accent - but I got a 'file not found' message from zshare. Could you double-check that you've linked to it properly?


fidomom March 13 2012, 20:07:13 UTC
I just updated the link to one that works and it seems while I was doing that someone solved the mystery! \o/ I will adjust my file name then.

~FM :)


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