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Comments 258

She's up to stage 3 now float_like_a July 15 2011, 21:06:25 UTC
[Lyon's just sitting in the corner looking downcast and confused, hands gripping her skirt tightly as she stares into her lap.]


weiss_tank July 15 2011, 21:11:50 UTC
[He hangs up the phone and turns to her]

Lyon? You ok?


float_like_a July 15 2011, 21:16:02 UTC
Why? Why do you do it?


weiss_tank July 16 2011, 00:30:11 UTC
Lyon, you have to understand. The people we kill are people who have done something wrong, but the law can't touch 'em for various reasons. You know, like money or power.


perfektsymmetry July 15 2011, 21:06:41 UTC

Trying to process this

This isn't working]

Ken... Y-You, of all people, it doesn't...


weiss_tank July 15 2011, 21:12:46 UTC
I know it doesn't make sense... I was kinda forced into the position because I had no where else to go after I legally 'died'.

In a way this place has been kinda nice, getting away from all that.


perfektsymmetry July 15 2011, 21:25:32 UTC
S-Someone forced you into the job? That's...


weiss_tank July 16 2011, 00:30:56 UTC
Do you want the whole story? It's kind of long.


godisachild July 15 2011, 21:16:05 UTC
That's what you meant by having done bad things at home?

They're pretty bad, I guess.


weiss_tank July 16 2011, 00:33:15 UTC
Yeah, that's what I meant. I mean sure, it's people who need to be stopped but the law can't get 'em, but that doesn't excuse what I do.


godisachild July 16 2011, 05:48:13 UTC
I dunno.

Maybe some people actually do deserve to die, and you just make sure they do.


weiss_tank July 16 2011, 05:49:08 UTC
...I guess. I can't use it to excuse what I do however.


have_your_lives July 15 2011, 21:27:44 UTC
You say that like I'm responsible. All I did was give you the chance to not walk into your future blind. Your thanks ought to be rather more genuine.


weiss_tank July 16 2011, 00:33:57 UTC
It doesn't matter if I know or not. You forget everything you learn in this bloody place so the warnin's kinda lost.


have_your_lives July 16 2011, 21:56:37 UTC
[This gets a cackle.] You know, I'd almost forgotten.


weiss_tank July 16 2011, 21:59:00 UTC
Not surprised, you haven't been shipped home yet at all. [Have a harumph noise.]

I hate this place, and right now I think it's made me hate myself more then I hate you. [Curse you Mayfield's truth fog.]


heartstar_blues July 15 2011, 22:17:12 UTC
[Ken will get to hear a thud on his roof.

And then some muttered cursing and rapid footsteps as The Captain failed his landing.

Off the edge he goes, landing hard in Ken's front yard.]


weiss_tank July 16 2011, 00:35:34 UTC
Oh shit... [Ken knows that cursing. He's going to cautiously peek out his front door.]

You ok there man?


heartstar_blues July 18 2011, 02:48:00 UTC
[Picking himself up.]

Yeah, the ground broke my fall pretty good.

[Well, that's not how he intended to start this off but... well, he'll roll with it.]

So, you're an assassin too.


weiss_tank July 18 2011, 02:49:12 UTC

Wait...What do you mean 'too'? [After their discussion on the phone a few days ago, Ken knows he wouldn't have a chance against the Captain if things went south, so he's a bit on his guard.


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