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have_your_lives July 15 2011, 21:27:44 UTC
You say that like I'm responsible. All I did was give you the chance to not walk into your future blind. Your thanks ought to be rather more genuine.


weiss_tank July 16 2011, 00:33:57 UTC
It doesn't matter if I know or not. You forget everything you learn in this bloody place so the warnin's kinda lost.


have_your_lives July 16 2011, 21:56:37 UTC
[This gets a cackle.] You know, I'd almost forgotten.


weiss_tank July 16 2011, 21:59:00 UTC
Not surprised, you haven't been shipped home yet at all. [Have a harumph noise.]

I hate this place, and right now I think it's made me hate myself more then I hate you. [Curse you Mayfield's truth fog.]


have_your_lives July 23 2011, 19:38:49 UTC
Don't remind me.

[That there's anything Ken hates more than him surprises and intrigues Schuldig, however, and it's clear in his voice.] Is that so...


weiss_tank July 23 2011, 19:47:27 UTC
Yeah...[Oh truth fog, oh well, Schu would find out anyways. Damn telepath.]

I mean, this place is everything I want in life but I can't have it. Almost. Sorta. You know what I mean. It just kinda drives home the fact that I will never be able to obtain this.


have_your_lives July 23 2011, 20:08:03 UTC
Yeah...I do know what you mean. [This was more truthful than Schuldig wanted to be, but 'you know what I mean' is traditionally a question, and he reacted to it as such.]


Truth fog forever. weiss_tank July 23 2011, 20:15:17 UTC
I guess it's kinda worse for you since you get it shoved down your throat a lot more. [He's more contemplative then pitying.]

But then again, I run pretty well on hate, almost better then on happiness. Take from that what you wanna.


have_your_lives July 23 2011, 20:29:12 UTC
Hah. Don't I, though?

That's the way it works, Siberian. Happiness is far more fleeting than hate. You can feed hatred, nuture it, cultivate it in environments where nothing else could ever grow. It'll keep you going when everything else is gone.

[This isn't truth serum; it's just Schuldig's world view.]

What I take from it is that you're more like Schwarz than you'll ever own up to.


weiss_tank July 23 2011, 20:30:32 UTC
[sputter] There are some very fundamental differences you know! [Of course thanks to the truth fog he can't out right deny it.]


have_your_lives July 31 2011, 18:41:21 UTC
Not so fundamental, I would think. Not after seeing what I did in Aya's head.

You're on the same path we are, Siberian. We're just further along the road.


weiss_tank July 31 2011, 18:52:31 UTC
Well for one thing, we don't play bodyguards to morally suspect politicians.


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