Recieving the Bad News

Oct 01, 2008 00:08

Bela settled into the quiet of her apartment, just letting the silence wash over her for a moment. She didn't exactly have a lot of quiet time like this, and what she did have, she relished. Often with a bottle of wine and some incense. Relaxation for her was a fine art, that required just the right amount of all different elements. There weren't a lot of things she actually needed, but managing to get them all together at the same time was hard enough. Taking another sip from her wine glass, she leaned her head back against the couch, closing her eyes and just letting herself almost drift off to sleep, not thinking about business or Winchesters, and just enjoying herself. She didn't get very much of that all that often.

However, the ring of a cell phone was going to change all of that. In a little gas station off a dirt road, Sam was refilling his car. He sat on the hood, thumbing through his address book on his phone, debating on who he needed to call to let them know that Dean was dead.

Most of the hunters they knew were dead by now. Dead or long changed their numbers. He paused on Jo... but no. He hadn't talked to her in years and this might not be the best way to break the news. Bobby would be telling them soon enough he hoped.

Then Bela's name came up and he paused. He wasn't sure why, but he hit the send button, then held the phone up to his ear.

The phone was a very unwelcome interruption. She had been looking forward to an evening silence and/or soft music, but the phone was not something she would be wanting to hear at the moment. Knowing that on that particular line, it was probably a client, she sighed heavily, before rolling over onto her stomach and placing the phone to her ear.

"Bela Talbot."

"Bela, it's Sam." See, the Anti-Christ was being good. No threats. No summoning. No sending demons with messages about wanting to rip her to shreds. In fact, he sounded a bit down, and not really the himself he had been for a few years now.

She would have said something snarky in return, but Sam wasn't sounding like himself. Leaning back into the couch for a moment, she shifted the phone to her shoulder as she reached forward to place the wineglass on the table in front of her. "Sam. What can I do for you?"

"Not much, unless you know how to bring people back from the dead."

"I'm sorry?" She was confused. She wasn't aware of anyone who had died in the recent past, so she didn't know who Sam could have been referring to. A bad feeling was starting to swirl in the pit of her stomach, and she shifted in her seat to try and alleviate the discomfort. "Bringing someone back from the dead?"

"Yeah. Dean." There was a bit of anger that rose in Sam. Especially since it all started with Meg trying to kill Dean the first time with the Colt.

At that her stomach dropped out entirely. Her voice was so quiet she didn't know if he could actually hear her, but she was speaking anyway. "Dean's dead?"

"Yeah. Yesterday. She was hiding in his son, Ben. Got ahold of the Colt from Dean and tried to kill him. Luckily I got there in time, but yesterday since she failed that time, she decided to kidnap Bobby and tie him to some train tracks. Dean sacrificed himself to get her out of Ben and died."

"Oh, God," she said with a sigh. "I'm so sorry, Sam." She sounded almost human, because she really was sorry. This wasn't a game anymore. Blood had been spilled and blood of someone who didn't entirely deserve it. She started to push herself up from the couch, making her way over to her bookshelf filled with artifacts, looking over to see if there was anything she could use to try and make this right.

"This was why I had you take the colt from him, Bela. Because I knew whoever Meg was in was going to get close to him. Maybe I should have told you that when you went to get it, but I didn't." Because he didn't trust her.

Bela's eyes widened slightly, before turning away from the shelf. "You can't possibly be blaming this on me. And if you knew that Meg was going to get so close to him, why did you take away one of the few means of self-defense he had." Bela was just as angry about this. He was not about to pin Dean's death on her. Not when she hadn't done anything directly wrong.

"I'm not blaming you. It's Meg's fault he's dead." And he was truthful in that. "And I took it because Meg wanted it. She would want to kill him with it like he did her father." Sam sighed. "Bela... I thought you should know that Lilith is making a move now."

"Lilith?" Now there was a name she hadn't heard in years. Her body stiffened and she moved instead of to the bookshelf, to the closet not far from where she was standing, starting to go through it slowly. "What is she after, do you know?"

"I got a vision. Worse than I've had in years. She was taking a group to a bar. Before I could see the who or why, she turned to me in the vision and attacked me. Ruby and I are on our way."

"What do you need me to do?" When it came to Lilith, she would always side with Sam Winchester. No matter what the situation would entail. She was always willing to go against the woman who had taken her life from her, regardless of what she had done to Sam in the past.

"Right now? Prepare yourself for a war, because she's had years to plan this." Sam rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Get your hands on any artifacts that can be used against her. Bobby is going to be our home base, so you can keep them hidden there."

"I'll see what I can find," Bela said with a nod. "I'll also talk to some people I know, see if anyone can figure out what she's up to. She had to have told someone what she was planning, now it's just a matter of figuring out who."

"That's a good start." Sam sighed. "And I'm not joking - if you can find out how we can get Dean out of Hell, I'm all up for it." He paused a moment. "How did you get out?"

"I was dragged out, if I remember correctly," she said with a sigh. "Truth be told, I don't really remember much, but -- someone pulled me out when someone happened to screw with the gate. I'm not sure who it was, but -- they seemed to know me." She sighed heavily, before running a hand through her hair. "And I hate to tell you this, Sam, but Lilith has been waiting on Dean for a long time. She's not going to let him go that easily."

"He's got two boys, Bela. I'd march into Hell myself to bring him back for them." He took a deep breath and looked up at the stars. "I have to keep going, but I just want to lay it down. I know if I do she wins, but I am just so tired of this life."

It was easy to confess things to people you didn't like. Or maybe because he just needed to talk, and Ruby was asleep. And even this was something he wouldn't talk to her about.

"I'll see if I can figure something out, Sam," she said with a slow nod. "Don't worry about Dean -- just worry about Lilith. She's more of an immediate threat at the moment, and I'm sure you don't want her to get to those boys either and start to use them against you."

"No I don't." He took a long time before he replied. "If you need me, you have my number."

"I'll call you as soon as I find something," she nodded. She was quiet for a moment, before taking a deep breath. "Be careful, Sam."

"You too." With that, Sam folded the phone closed and just continued to sit on the roof for a moment, looking at the stars and trying to just understand why everything was happening as it was.

Bela hung up as well, before taking a deep breath and leaning against the frame of the door. She wanted to think that this was the worst that it could get, but she knew better than to get her hopes up like that. This was only the calm before the storm -- and that wasn't exactly the most comforting thought in the world to have.

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