Nowhere, SD

Oct 05, 2008 17:08

Alec sat on the roof and watched Jinx explore the junk yard. Mostly with his nose. Normally the pup's 'territory' was a moving thing, being within six feet of Alec. It was a complicated dance of pack dominance between Alec, Jinx and Cheney and Alec was pretty sure that no one but the three involved understood at all. Jinx was the most dangerous predator, but Alec was the pack leader between them. Cheney out ranked them both by virtue of the fact that he was there first. But since Jinx wouldn't back down, Alec kept him on a tight leash. Though right now Cheney was asleep on the sofa, so Alec let Jinx run.

The puppy's put on a growth spurt since coming to live at Bobby's. Alec is pretty sure it's the steady food and the safe place. He's seen it happen with the younger X series. When they finally straggle into Terminal City. The place may not look like much, it actually wasn't much, but the kids all got what ever there was. Clean clothes, love and food. Because it was an unspoken rule that even if it was short rations sometimes the littles and the pregnant females got what they needed before the rest was divided up.

Bobby's was a good place like TC was. A safe and protected place where they could all get their feet back under them despite the unparalleled badness that taken them all for a ride and didn't really look like it would be letting up anytime soon.

They were all doing better though. Alec and Ben both feeling less like road kill and more like themselves. Still sad, still missing their father hard enough to make the thought of bawling like a baby seem real appealing at times, but better. Part of being back on your feet though is being able to leave the nest. And Alec can. No one has asked for the keys to the Impala, and he's never been able to bring himself to offer. She's Alec's baby now, and he treats her like a queen. Sam has his car which is built low and slick for speed and Ben has his own lady but she's in storage back in Seattle. She not here where Ben needs her.

Alec had made sure the storage fees were well taken care of thinking that Ben had taken leave of his sense and had forgotten about his girl. Turns out it was just Meg trying to cock up ever part of their lives that she could manage. Alec hadn't said anything to Ben about the car, and he though that maybe Ben was afraid to ask because he didn't want to hear the rent had lapsed and his car was gone.

Alec didn't plan to say anything. He just planned to give Ben a nice surprise. He fished his cell out of his back pocket and dialed Mickey's number.
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