Mary Sue MUST DIE - A Barwide Plot of Crack

Aug 18, 2007 15:46

Do you feel as if your canon is missing something? Do you feel as if the plots just need to be that much spicier? The characters... do you think they might just be a bit drab? Flat? Too logical and interesting?

I've got your solution!

Later today, little_miss_sue will be entering the bar and she's exactly who you think she is.

Mary Sue. Yes. Her.

Wrecker of good canons, subject of some of the worst fanfiction ever written, the breaker of hearts, the destroyer of plots, the biological child of at least three of your favorite characters and sleeping with two of the others. She is as old as literature and as new as the most recent entry on pottersues, the self-insert with the power to kill all interest in a story the reader might have. And she's come to Milliways.

How She Works

The Plot Itself


If you would prefer NOT to deal with Miss Sue, please tag this post and say as such. Put it in your subject line. I will not inflict her on anyone against their will. That said, if you tag her, I will take that as meaning that you would like to be involved in her insanity. Everyone is welcome to join in on this two-week plot, though this plot might be a good place for meta-aware pups to show up as heroes if they're interested.

Questions, comments, concerns, offerings of spam, death threats, etc: tag here or themilliknight @ gmail . com


ETA: Plot tag is "mary sue must die" btw.
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