How Sue Works

Aug 18, 2007 14:59

To start off with, Sue will be coming in looking very much like her icon for great amusing meta. The fun, though, is when she starts talking to people.

Because that's when her special brand of evil starts working.

Talking to Mary Sue will place her within your character's universe, if only in your character's mind. Like Dawn from the fifth season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, she will enter your characters memories as if she'd always been there. Whatever nonsense comes out of her mouth, your character will really believe it... no matter how ridiculous it is.

EXAMPLE: Mary Sue walks up to Mal Reynolds and glomps his arm, so happy to see her UNCLE since the last time she was him was during the war. She was seperated from him during the Battle of Serenity Valley for GREAT ANGST and thought him dead all these years. Won't Mal's long lost sister, Sue's mother, be so glad to find out he's alive? And didn't you know, she's a crack shot with a ship of her own.

Now, it doesn't matter that there's no indication that Mal has a sister. Or that it makes no sense for a girl of Sue's age to be helming a ship (or even, why she would be!).

But what about the rest of the people in my canon!? I can't change their reality like that!

You're not. Each conversation with Mary Sue only affects your character. Their memories and their perception. In fact, if Mary Sue spoke to someone else from the same canon, she might be someone else.

EXAMPLE: Mary Sue runs up to Simon Tam. Didn't you know she's his half-sister since Gabriel had an affair? And she got memories of Simon from the strange psychic link she still has with River that River doesn't even know is there because Sue is even smarter than River!? She's been trying to find them FOREVER!

If these two characters had to tell you about this girl Sue, they'd tell you two completely different stories. If Sue ever has to talk to both of them at the same time, well... you've all seen those Sues that somehow have seven different biological fathers and three different Animagus forms. She'll probably come up with something about how Gabriel had his affair with Mal's sister all those years ago or something. It'll probably be ridiculous.

Feel free to come up with other "memories" or tidbits about her; just make sure you use the plot tag so I can keep things straight.  After all, Mary Sue is the center of attention, isn't she?  So if she's suddenly become your best friend/cousin (in conclusion: cousin)/sister/long lost daughter/love interest... make up things as you like.  IT's all in good fun.

She will more than likely have powers/abilities far beyond the canon characters; that's just how Sues are. That said, any cure/healing/work Sue might have done for you will disappear/cease to function/not work when she 'leaves'.
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