Eighth Inning

Sep 19, 2009 16:51

Top of the Inning
Pitching: Arnold
At Bat: Leela, Carlisle, Raph, and Gaeta
On the Field: The Enigmas (Castiel's Team)

Bottom of the Inning
Pitching: Gaeta
At Bat: Stitch, Arnold, and Knox
On the Field: The Paradoxes (Carlisle's Team)

turanga leela, carlisle cullen, felix gaeta, teja, edward cullen, duck, duo maxwell, raphael, game, meg ford, stitch, alexander knox, arnold

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Top of the Eighth ways_diamond August 30 2009, 21:53:47 UTC
It's the top of the eighth -- the Engimas take the field and Paradoxes come to bat.


Carlisle at-bat. ofthefamily September 2 2009, 12:03:28 UTC
It's been a difficult game; new and a challenge.

This may be why Carlisle appears to be having such a good time with things.

"Any time, Arnold," Carlisle offers magnanimously.


Re: Carlisle at-bat. heyfootballhead September 3 2009, 23:37:05 UTC
"Bring it on, old man," Arnold calls in return as he sets himself up for the pitch. Straight stance, eyes on target, wind up...and let'er go. A fastball, aimed straight and true over the plate. Perfect for a great hit or a close miss.

He's having the time of his life, so it's all in good fun.


Re: Carlisle at-bat. themidnightson September 6 2009, 02:03:55 UTC
That'll be Edward snickering in the background.


Re: Carlisle at-bat. ofthefamily September 15 2009, 00:12:01 UTC
Don't tell, Edward.

Carlisle just misses Arnold's pitch with a gameful shrug.

He'll get the next one.


Re: Carlisle at-bat. heyfootballhead September 19 2009, 01:54:30 UTC
Or will he?

Arnold gives him a cheery grin and sends in a beautiful curveball. Does Carlisle have the skills to knock it out of the park?


Re: Carlisle at-bat. ofthefamily September 19 2009, 01:58:52 UTC
It's a pretty strong curveball coming from a child with only four fingers on each hand.

Carlisle makes it look good as the ball sails high into the air and away; Carlisle rounds the bases.

"Good job, Arnold!" Sincerely as can be.


Re: Carlisle at-bat. heyfootballhead September 19 2009, 02:06:31 UTC
Arnold lifts his hat to scratch his head ruefully as the ball goes out and Carlisle heads for home.

But he's nothing if not a good sport. So Carlisle gets an (also) sincere "Great hit!" and a little wave as he crosses the plate.


Re: Carlisle at-bat. ways_diamond September 19 2009, 21:41:53 UTC
Carlisle cuts the Enigmas' lead to a single run.

And Leela comes to bat to try to erase it all together.


Leela at-bat eyeeyecaptain September 14 2009, 02:22:28 UTC
All right, time to step up and show them how it's done.

Leela makes a show of swinging her bat a time or two before stepping into the box, tapping the dirt from her cleats and fixing Arnold with the long, hard glaaaaare you have to have if you want to play ball. I mean, really.

"All right, kid! Do your worst!" she crows.


Re: Leela at-bat heyfootballhead September 14 2009, 02:26:21 UTC
Leela thinks she's got a hard stare, but she's never met Helga.

Arnold counterattacks (so to speak) with a smug-tastic grin.

"With pleasure, lady!" And the first pitch comes smoking down the line!


Re: Leela at-bat eyeeyecaptain September 14 2009, 02:34:34 UTC

Swing and a miss! Oh, that one stings.

There's a growl -- no, really, a growl -- from home base as Leela steels herself for the next pitch.

"Lucky throw!"


Re: Leela at-bat heyfootballhead September 14 2009, 02:38:33 UTC
"Luck's got nothing to do with it!" Arnold calls triumphantly.

Here comes pitch number two, same as the first!


Re: Leela at-bat eyeeyecaptain September 14 2009, 03:08:12 UTC

And, again, there's a WHOOSH and a "STRIKE TWO!"

Leela's eye narrows into a menacing slit, because, really, she's not going to get struck out by a kid! Not when she has her reputation with the New New York Mets to think about!

...Seeing as how that's bad enough as it is.

"Oh yeah? Well... You're pretty confident for someone who still has a BEDTIME!"



Re: Leela at-bat heyfootballhead September 14 2009, 03:22:41 UTC
Leela has spirit. Arnold appreciates that.

"At least I can actually hit a baseball," he sends back. OH WHAT NOW, LEELA.

...Actually, the third pitch is what's now. Ready or not!


Re: Leela at-bat eyeeyecaptain September 14 2009, 03:46:08 UTC
Oh, Arnold has no idea just how much spirit. It gets exhausting after a while.

She grits her teeth at the comeback, hands tightening around her baseball bat.

Easy, Leela, easy. Remember what Hank Aaron told you. Keep your eye OFF the ball!

All right, this is it. A swing... a CRACK... a poorly timed flight of birds... a ferocious flapping and squawking noise... yeeeaaah. Leela winces.

"Sorry!" she cries, before taking off for a base.


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