Sixth Inning

Sep 19, 2009 16:49

Top of the Inning
Pitching: Grace
At Bat: Booth, Lorne, Duck and Duo
On the Field: The Enigmas (Castiel's Team)

Bottom of the Inning
Pitching: Duo
At Bat: Grace, Enzo, Castiel, and X-23
On the Field: The Paradoxes (Carlisle's Team)

grace hanadarko, enzo matrix, sari sumdac, turanga leela, x-23, castiel, edward cullen, duck, duo maxwell, evan lorne, raphael, seeley booth, game, meg ford

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Bottom of the Sixth ways_diamond August 30 2009, 20:30:03 UTC
The teams trade roles again, as the Enigmas head back to their bench and the Paradoxes take their places on the diamond.


Re: Enzo at bat ways_diamond September 19 2009, 21:05:10 UTC
With one out, and a runner on second, number 32, Castiel, comes to bat.


Re: Bottom of the Sixth thursdays_angel September 15 2009, 00:30:44 UTC
Castiel had struck out spectacularly his first time out. But he still picks up a bat without any visible sign of trepidation.

He's been studying the field and the positions of the Enigmas. And before he approaches the plate, he looks over to the next batter in line.

"Grace? May we confer?"


Re: Bottom of the Sixth maxwellsdemon02 September 15 2009, 01:01:38 UTC
Duo blows an enormous bubble with his gum.

And proceeds to juggle the ball, his glove, and his hat. You know. Just while he's waiting.


Re: Bottom of the Sixth headed4hell September 15 2009, 01:13:28 UTC
On deck, Grace stops idly swinging her bat and jogs over. "Sure thing, captain." Funny how it sounds vaguely insubordinate.

"What'cha want?"

The Beastie Boys start repeating that question back to her in her mind, but she's ready to listen to Castiel. Really!


Re: Bottom of the Sixth thursdays_angel September 15 2009, 01:19:04 UTC
Hear that tone, Castiel? Get used to it now.

Castiel's eyes wander from one base to another.

"If I should make it onto a base, Enzo should make it to third."

He looks over at Grace.

"If you then bunt, he could score a run. The Paradoxes will not expect it."

It's not unlike actively being in a foxhole again. Working out strategies, and knowing that one will shortly see the effects.


Re: Bottom of the Sixth headed4hell September 15 2009, 02:03:45 UTC
Bat on her shoulders now, Grace loops her arms over it and squints at the field.

"Yeah, sure." Whatever.

She turns her head and spits, then nods.

The angel just asked her to maybe sacrifice herself. What the hell?


Re: Bottom of the Sixth thursdays_angel September 15 2009, 02:08:38 UTC
Castiel nods.

They understand each other. Good.

He takes his place at the plate, bat over his shoulder.

The first ball goes a little wide. The second is a clear strike.

Castiel squares up, and waits for the next pitch.


Re: Bottom of the Sixth maxwellsdemon02 September 15 2009, 02:13:25 UTC
Duo snaps his gum and eyes Castiel. This guy's got a good poker face, but they're obviously planning something.

How desperate is he to get on base? Duo copies Grace's slider from the fourth, trying to get Castiel to swing at something not quite in the strike zone.


Re: Bottom of the Sixth thursdays_angel September 15 2009, 02:23:05 UTC
He succeeds. Castiel does indeed swing.

And manages to clip the ball.

It's not a great hit, but it's a fair one. The ball goes bouncing across the infield.

Castiel takes off for first.


Re: Bottom of the Sixth a1enzo September 18 2009, 02:32:52 UTC
As soon as Castiel moves, Enzo's off himself, charging for third.


Re: Bottom of the Sixth ways_diamond September 19 2009, 21:07:22 UTC
The Enigmas have runners at first and third, and a chance to reclaim the lead.

And Grace Hanadarko steps up to the plate.


Grace at bat headed4hell September 15 2009, 03:10:06 UTC
Up comes Grace, with a frown and stormy eyes. She takes a few practice swings, slowing down and exaggerating the last, then steps toward the plate.

The angel wants her to bunt.

She's considering a sacrifice fly. Bunting isn't really her style; neither is listening to angels.

Her eyes flick to Castiel at first before she settles in and waits for her pitch.


Re: Grace at bat maxwellsdemon02 September 19 2009, 02:26:39 UTC
"Third time's the charm?" Duo offers. "It's been nice knowing you, Grace."


Re: Grace at bat headed4hell September 19 2009, 02:37:14 UTC
"Yeah," Grace agrees. "Been nice."

Smiles, banter and eye contact (except with the ball) are noticeably absent. She squints, waiting.


Re: Grace at bat maxwellsdemon02 September 19 2009, 02:39:33 UTC



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