Sixth Inning

Sep 19, 2009 16:49

Top of the Inning
Pitching: Grace
At Bat: Booth, Lorne, Duck and Duo
On the Field: The Enigmas (Castiel's Team)

Bottom of the Inning
Pitching: Duo
At Bat: Grace, Enzo, Castiel, and X-23
On the Field: The Paradoxes (Carlisle's Team)

grace hanadarko, enzo matrix, sari sumdac, turanga leela, x-23, castiel, edward cullen, duck, duo maxwell, evan lorne, raphael, seeley booth, game, meg ford

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Bottom of the Sixth ways_diamond August 30 2009, 20:30:03 UTC
The teams trade roles again, as the Enigmas head back to their bench and the Paradoxes take their places on the diamond.


X-23 at bat cutting_edgex23 September 10 2009, 02:21:25 UTC
Taking a pointer from her first time facing the pitcher's mound, X shifts her stance a little closer to the plate.

She lets one pitch go by, then a second. Only one of them is fair.

On the third she swings, the crack as ball meets bat clearly audible.

It's a line drive out into left field, and X lets go of the bat and starts running.


mnt_raph September 10 2009, 02:36:03 UTC
Re: X-23 at bat cutting_edgex23 September 10 2009, 02:48:06 UTC
X is running as hard as she can to reach second base, but it looks like there is a good chance Raph's throw will reach it before her.

Which is why X puts on another fraction of speed, dropping into a slide at the last second in hopes she'll touch base before the ball is caught.

It works when the professionals do it. Sometimes.


Re: X-23 at bat im_so_sari September 10 2009, 02:49:40 UTC
Sari dives to catch the ball. The moment it impacts her glove, she ducks, rolls, and comes up to tag X in the small of the back.

Looks like those ninja lessons from Prowl are starting to pay off.


Re: X-23 at bat ever_noteful September 10 2009, 02:58:16 UTC
It's close.

Really really close.

But . . .

"Out!" Meg calls.


Re: X-23 at bat cutting_edgex23 September 10 2009, 02:59:52 UTC
X stands up, offers Sari a very slight nod -- she is not prone to smiling -- and heads back to the bench.

The sliding portion of the last minute and a half was almost as entertaining as dragon-diving.



Re: X-23 at bat maxwellsdemon02 September 10 2009, 03:54:34 UTC
Duo waves sweetly to her as she walks by the bench.

He'll pay for it later, but for now? So worth it.


Re: X-23 at bat ways_diamond September 19 2009, 21:03:05 UTC
One out, nobody on base, and the next batter is Enzo.


Enzo at bat a1enzo September 10 2009, 04:32:28 UTC
Come on, come on. Let's do better this time. Spit-spit, tap-tap, glower...


Re: Enzo at bat maxwellsdemon02 September 12 2009, 02:44:04 UTC
Oooh, scary. Duo fears for his life!

Or he would, if he had any sense of self-preservation...

*cough* Anyway.

Fastball, straight down the middle!


Re: Enzo at bat a1enzo September 14 2009, 03:16:06 UTC
Quick reflexes, don't fail him now!

Whock! The bat connects and is tossed aside as Enzo sprints off down the baseline.


Re: Enzo at bat im_so_sari September 14 2009, 03:35:58 UTC
"I got it I got it I--"

She doesn't got it. In fact, the ball lands a good fifteen feet away from her. By the time Sari reaches it, Enzo has rounded second. She frantically throws the ball in the general direction of third base.


Re: Enzo at bat eyeeyecaptain September 14 2009, 03:52:07 UTC

Oh man, that girl has a good arm on her. Leela hops off base to make the catch, but she has the ball! Commence with the beaming, as this means Leela successfully caught something!

She moves back to intercept Enzo, returning to her MEAN BASEBALL FACE.


Re: Enzo at bat a1enzo September 14 2009, 04:01:44 UTC
Eep! U-turn, pronto! Back to second!


Re: Enzo at bat eyeeyecaptain September 14 2009, 04:08:31 UTC
Heh heh heh... Mission: success! Leela is on FIRE NOW.


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