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Comments 10

veronamay January 20 2010, 09:31:37 UTC
Every time this sort of shit crops up on the Fandom Crazymeter I want to shake people and yell in their faces, "Why can't you act like a rational human being? Why?" Is it so hard to flip the situation around and imagine what you (general you) would or wouldn't like to get out of an encounter with a total stranger? It should be fucking ELEMENTARY. This is the sort of shit that keeps me away from conventions, for srs.


unperfectwolf January 20 2010, 09:36:11 UTC
See, the problem with this is, I think, from my experience with little girls like her, THAT THEY WOULD LIKE IT. They kind of remind me of like, being Life's Mary Sue in that they would love for some (pretty like me omg omg) person to come and love them. And be creepy to them.


veronamay January 20 2010, 09:46:02 UTC
And there you have the major basis for Twilight fandom. And when you think about it, that's both sad and terrifying.


unperfectwolf January 20 2010, 09:48:59 UTC
We discussed this (by we discussed I mean Sara and I yelled across the hall at each other over the country music I am blaring as I write up homework) this and were talking about these girls in one of my classes, who I swear are trying to vie with the sun for "shiniest object look at me I am preeeety". They really do need cameras to follow them around.

Also, the reason twilight fandom has no mama bears to tell them no is because all of us old fen ran screaming as soon as we saw the horde. harry potter doesn't even touch their crazy. I don't even think ckll does, and she is pretty damn crazy.


unperfectwolf January 20 2010, 09:33:29 UTC
<3 also, jensen, poor, jensen. WONT ANYONE THINK OF THE JENSENS?


caithream January 20 2010, 16:37:48 UTC
So much agreed. And especially after certain events concerning wedding site photos and Clif the bodyguard, I found myself going, You know what? No. I'm done with this. I do like hearing little tidbits about the boys (et al) lives (not creepy tidbits, more like, Jensen was at a Kane concert with Danneel and no one jumped on him or was rude! Yay!), but I seriously can't do it anymore if most of the stuff is slowly becoming about CREEPY ASSHOLES BEING CREEPY. I get such a huge huge embarrassment squick out of it, so I feel like I have to now disregard ANY RL news about the boys, just so I don't feel like drowning myself from embarrassment. SIGH.


littlewings04 January 20 2010, 18:32:03 UTC
Yeah, the overwhelming creepy in fandom is something that hits my embarrassment squick hard. And honestly, it's one of many reasons I've been exceptionally quiet and generally out of fandom lately. Which...sort of makes me feel hypocritical, because I'm reading a lot of RPS. But I think the difference is, no matter my reading preferences, they stay on my computer or in the company of geeky friends, and otherwise, I always behave in a way that won't make my Southern Belle Momma appear out of thin air and back-hand me for being tacky. And that's what a lot of the creepy is: it's tacky and inappropriate, and I always wonder, what the hell would your Momma think?

...that was rambling. Mostly, this behaviour is eminently embarrassing, and I wish people weren't raise by damn wolves.


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