My thinky thoughts on the cult of celebrity, let me share them

Jan 20, 2010 01:14

Stumbled across this post from one of my Google Alerts: An Open Letter to Celebrities.

The... events, shall we say, that this post is in response to are absolutely horrible, and the account of them is even worse. Basically, this girl and her friends stalked a singer they like at his house, took pictures of his dogs and said house, and didn't leave even after he tried to usher them away politely. D: Which, just to state again for the record, is NEVER OKAY. EVER.

The post I'm reccing, however, is most DEFINITELY worth a read. It's about how sometimes, these people who are the target of all this fannish glee and love, need to be the ones to take a stand and just SAY NO when fans are behaving inappropriately. I absolutely do not believe that it should be all up to them--in a perfect world, everyone would think about how their actions affect other people before they did things like give poor Mike Rosenbaum a box of sex toys at a charity event, and at the very least, fandom as a whole should make an attempt to rein these people in, which SPN fandom actually makes a pretty good effort at doing for the amount of batshit we have.

The post addresses those points, though, and it's talking more about those people who have been raised in a fandom barn and might have no one to tell them what is and isn't appropriate before they're faced with the person(s) of their desire. In any case, I DO think celebrities can and SHOULD be able to say to a (presumably) well-meaning but creepy fan, "Look, I'm glad you appreciate me and my work, but breaking onto set/stealing my underwear/taking pictures of my family/leaping on me from a stairwell is taking things too far. Don't do that anymore, or I'm going to call security/and, by the way, security is going to escort you out."

They are PEOPLE. No matter how different their lives may be from ours, no matter how many people adore them, they. Are just. People who want to live their lives in relative peace while still doing the things they love. This may not be true for ALL celebrities, but I'd wager that it is true for the majority, especially those who make valiant efforts to not flaunt their private lives all over.

If I could, I would forward this post to Jared and Jensen--especially Jared, as I think his natural friendliness and willingness to please tends to get him into uncomfortable situations with certain sectors of fandom sometimes, such as the Argentina airport incidents. Seriously, so awesome. ♥♥♥

fandom: meta, recs: fandom, fandom: general, fandom: cw rpf

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