Four random things make a post

Jul 01, 2008 23:15

So first things first, I have to pimp Twizzle Me. It's PINK! And allllll about J2's epic romance amazing and deep friendship. :D I haven't even gotten to go through most of the site yet, but it looks AMAZING. And OH MY GOD, how did I manage to miss this quote?

Jared (about Jensen, at Creation Dallas): When times are tough, or at the end of a hard ( Read more... )

recs: fandom, events: creation dallas 08, techie: technology is not my friend, recs: media, shipping: jared/jensen, fandom: cw rpf, personal: job searching

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waterofthemoon July 2 2008, 04:43:57 UTC
He SO is. Jared's not exactly saying no, either. :P

And HI! *waves*


hellspearx17 July 2 2008, 05:30:57 UTC
I DO remember him saying that. I was a giggling mess in my seat.

EMPIRES! \o/ They released Howl as a free download, and then decided to release a physical album, too- but by the time I got to the site they had sold out. O_o I'm glad they're gaining popularity, might mean they'll come our way eventually.



cologne_chick July 2 2008, 05:51:43 UTC
Twizzle-Me is really a fantastic site. The girls put a lot of great work in it <3


latte_vanilla July 2 2008, 16:51:55 UTC
One thing about SP3, it includes the 'Windows Genuine Advantage tool'. What this tool does, it checks if you have a genuine windows installation, and if you don't that may screw things up big time. Like no more updates. Or something worse. It is known to produce false positives, so it might screw up your system anyway. It also connects to internet every two weeks, supposedly to M$ servers, and I haven't found any documentation on what kind of information it sends. Or is it possible to block these subsequent connections with firewall policies. Or if the tool gets a hissy fit if it's not allowed to connect to internet.


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