So first things first, I have to pimp
Twizzle Me. It's PINK! And allllll about J2's epic romance amazing and deep friendship. :D I haven't even gotten to go through most of the site yet, but it looks AMAZING. And OH MY GOD, how did I manage to miss this quote?
Jared (about Jensen, at Creation Dallas): When times are tough, or at the end of a hard day or something, he's like, "Let me buy you dinner," 'cause food is the way to my heart. To hell with his friendship, if he buys me a steak or two, I'm happy!
Also, apparently I should listen when you bandom people repeatedly pimp stuff because
Empires is kind of awesome. I finally got around to putting Howl in my iTunes, and yeah. *rocks out* I'm glad I looked through the attached pictures, too, because I kind of love
this one lots. He plays a Taylor! *_*
Does anyone know anything bad against XP SP3? I read on a few sites that it could cause random freezes and crashes, but I think that might have been the beta version. I'm getting my backups up to date now, and I have recent system restore points, so if it fucks up my system, I think I'll be okay.
Tomorrow I think I'm gonna go inquire about jobs at a couple of Starbucks near here. Though there was a news story today about them closing a bunch of stores, so I'm not toooo hopeful. :\