meme: o'clock...

Dec 07, 2010 14:18

Because I am bored and procrastinating... Ak.

From leobrat:
Ask me about any character, and I will pick one of the following and tell you:
(a) Three facts about them from my personal fanon.
(b) Two reasons they're amazing.
(c) Five things that I'd like to see happen to them.
(d) Three people that I might ship that character with and why.(Fandoms: Grey's ( Read more... )

meme: fangirl, real life: music, real life: fail, real life: christmas, music: katie noonan, real life: items of disinterest, real life: fangirling

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Comments 44

rorylie December 7 2010, 04:06:22 UTC

(Also if you're bored why aren't you talking to meeeeeeee?)


waltzmatildah December 7 2010, 06:12:33 UTC
Five Things I'd Like To See Happen To Lexie Grey...

One: I'd like to see her grow up a little more. And I don't mean I think she's immature, I just mean I'd like her to be given a chance to be a strong, independent woman for a change because she is so rarely depicted that way...

Two: I'd like to see her have hot, hot sex with Alex. Duh.

Three: I'd like to see her have an actual conversation with Mark about the fact that even though she might probably love him and even though she definitely loves the sexy times with him, they are too different and want too many things that are polar opposites and maybe they should just call it a day after all.

Four: I'd like to see her dye her hair back to blonde.

Five: After the hot, hot sex with Alex, and the break up with Mark and the time spent growing as a strong and independent young woman, I'd also like to see her develop a healthy relationship with someone OUTSIDE the hospital!

I feel like I cheated a bit with this, because I'm pretty sure you already knew all that!!!


rorylie December 7 2010, 23:05:43 UTC
But they're all such good things!

And I think in my head a blonde Lexie is a sleeping with Alex Lexie, so blonde Lexie is my favorite.

Now talk about Apppppril.


waltzmatildah December 8 2010, 06:15:01 UTC
Three Fanon Facts About April Kepner...

One: She sung in the choir at high school (and I don't mean a Glee-esque showchoir, I mean full on choral music type choir). She also played the violin.

Two: She loooooooooves horses. She is a very good rider and used to go to pony club.

Three: She used to go to yoga with Reed but she secretly hated every moment of it. She felt uncoordinated and stupid but she still went whenever they had time off together because Reed liked it...


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waltzmatildah December 7 2010, 06:27:17 UTC
Two Reasons Elena Gilbert Is Amazing...

One: She has so far managed to resist Damon's charms. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure he would only have to look at me sideways and my pants would be around my ankles. Girl's self control is freaking out of this world!

Two: She is one of (if not 'the') strongest and most independent teenaged characters on television at the moment. That she is being all of these things in a show where she plays the human love interest to a century old vampire is even more astounding! Her fierce (if somewhat misguided) desire to protect her family and friends is compelling to watch and I applaud both Nina and the writers of the show for giving Elena a backbone and letting her use it!


abvj December 7 2010, 05:28:58 UTC
Damon. GO!


waltzmatildah December 7 2010, 06:41:35 UTC
ThreeSIX People I Ship Damon Salvatore With And Why...

(three from TVD and three in general because I'm indecisive generous like that ( ... )


citron_presse December 7 2010, 17:24:32 UTC
Damon+/Alaric Saltzman &hearts (When Damon said they were "badass" together, I actually agreed out loud at the TV!)


waltzmatildah December 8 2010, 00:23:48 UTC
HEEE! I KNEW IT! If I'd had to choose before you started watching a pairing that I thought would intrigue you... THIS WOULD BE IT!

ETA: Wow. That is worded really awkwardly! I'm sure you get the picture though!


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waltzmatildah December 7 2010, 06:49:48 UTC

Five Things I'd Like To See Happen To Owen Hunt...

One: For Cristina to wake up and remember that she is not a wife or a homemaker or a glorified trophy and DIVORCE HIS ASS TO KINGDOM COME.

(Ahhh, I feel so much better now.)

Two: I'd like to see the ASPCA investigate and subsequently arrest him on suspicion of animal cruelty for his pig surgery stunt...

Three: I'd like to see him speak a full sentence with actually annoying me but I'm fairly certain this is not possible.

Four: I'd like to see him fall down that insipid fire pole thing in that ridiculous house he bought with Cristina.

Five: I'd like to see him recalled to Iraq so that I never have to see him at Seattle Grace ever again!


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waltzmatildah December 7 2010, 12:00:29 UTC
Shonda wasn't interested. That's because she is a stupid, stupid woman!!! Your ending is perfect!

I was also pissed he survived getting shot. It was a bit of a cop out that they only docs who died were the newbies that no one really cared about anyway. For shot value they should totally have killed him off!!! Poor Alex had to drag his bleeding self all over the hospital and Owen gets a through and through to the shoulder. WHERE IS THE JUSTICE I SAY?!

I'd probably still be watching if that were the case!


citron_presse December 7 2010, 06:04:36 UTC
I didn't know you watch Friday Night Lights! So . . . Tim Riggins :)


waltzmatildah December 7 2010, 06:59:24 UTC
Funny story... I don't watch Friday Night Lights. But I was investigating fic once and stumbled across this fandom and subsequently read every episode recap and devoured every decent fic I could find on the subject! Haha!

And you know me too well with your choice of Tim :)

Three Fanon Facts About Tim Riggins...

One: He can play the guitar (this is my fanon fact for Alex, too!). He's one of those people who never had any training (which, duh, it's Tim!) but can listen to something once and just play it...

Two: (And this one might actually be canon?) He's absolutely terrified of making his own decisions. If everything falls down around him in the aftermath and it's because of something he decided then he has no fall back, and not having a fall back is not an option...

Three: Post jail release he is totally gonna hook up with Julie Taylor!


citron_presse December 7 2010, 17:18:16 UTC
Oh, great answers. I especially like two. I don't really ship Tim/Julie, but I don't really not ship them either, so . . . okay :)


waltzmatildah December 8 2010, 00:29:13 UTC
As I haven't ever seen a single episode and only have recaps and fanfic to go on... I guess my 'ships are based more on what I've read... and the best fics I've read by far (from a 'talented author' perspective, not necessarily from a 'premise of the fic' perspective) have had Tim and Julie ending up together a few years into the future and it always just... works! In a really dysfunctional and angsty kind of way which... do I even really need to explain at this point?! HAHAHA! I am entirely too predictable!


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